He stared at me for sometime, with his head titled to a side in thought. His lips were streched into a small smile.

"I've to say this sweetheart. You've changed. I wanted to tell you this so badly last time. But didn't get the chance. You've changed a lot and if you're going to say I'm the reason, then I'm glad. Because I like this change of yours."

I huffed.

"You really don't give a damn about me, do you? Like you said, 'I wanted to ask you this so badly but didn't get a chance.'" I air quoted his words with a humourless chuckle. "Have you ever loved me Jake? All those times you were faking it, weren't you? I was so naive back then to realize what kind of a man you are. But now... Like you said, I've changed. And for good." I hissed spatting the words on his face.

"Tsk tsk tsk.... You really believe you could get away from me, don't you?" He tsked shaking his head faking sympathy. But it didn't last long and was soon replaced by the same old chilling smirk making my hair raise.

"You might have changed sweetheart, but I can still see that naive, stupid seventeen year old Alexia in you. The one who craved my touches and longed for my love. You still belongs to me baby. And ME ONLY.!" He sneered sending a cold shiver down my spine.

I gulped.

He is starting to scare me now.

This is not the Jake I knew.

He no longer reflected the man whom I sworn to hate. The man who once held me safe in his arms and the man who I once loved.

A love which ended up like a line drawn in water.

Too volatile to last.

But he..

..The man who is now standing before me is someone else.

I was so engrossed in my mind that I didn't notice the arms encircling my waist until they roughly grabbed my sides.

"Jake..!" I gasped trying to push him off me.

"What? Don't you like it? Come on… I know you still want me baby girl." He laughed, nuzzling his dirty blondes against my cheeks.

"What the fuck are you doing Jake?! Get off me. I don't want you…Fuck off.!" I shouted squirming in his hold.

Grabbing my sides, he pulled me closer and sucked the nape of my neck making my breathe hitch.

"W-what are you d-doing!" I tried to scream but my voice came out in mere whisper, startling me.

I felt him smiling against my skin on hearing the helplessness in my voice.  But I couldn't do anything as my whole body stood still under his touch.

"Told you sweetheart…You might say you don't want me but your body says otherwise." He mumbled enclosing his lips around my earlobe and pressing down his teeth, sendings waves of memories of my first time with him flash through my mind.

"You still want me babygirl. And it is the truth. No one in this world, not even you, know your body like I do. It still yearns for my touch and thirst for my lips." He murmured, darting his gaze between my wide ones.

His eyes were dark with lust and they roamed all over me like a beast frothing for his helpless prey, ready to pounce and end it all at once.

"You're wrong Jake. I don't want you. I'm long over yo- ahh.."  All my words and protest died down the instant he attacked me with his wet kisses.

His lips trailed along my collarbone, sucking and groping as he lifted me off the floor and placed on top of his desk.

My body shivered under his roaming pleasures, teasing and commanding, leaving me a moaning mess.

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