II. The letter

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"Hey don't wander around this place Itto! I know that Heizou or whatever his name was said our parents were here just don't wander aro-" Shinobu stopped and looked around her, it was beautiful. The town's plaza. "Heizou said that this was the best place to be if you wanted to see something beautiful at night." Itto smiled, "These lights must've costed hundreds or even thousands. They're beautiful." He looked at each one, 

"Truly spectacular right? Truly splendid, His Excellency's daughter picked them out herself." Heizou chuckled to himself, he was making sure the two didn't do anything stupid or against the rules in the territory they settled in. "A lot of people say that I'm perfect and strong next to her majesty. When with you two it feels like I'm a normal civilian again." He looked at the two, Shinobu's shocked expression it's like she didn't know. Itto's smile that probably could make her lady escape her quiet abode. "Heizou, my father asked me to come and bring you back to the palace." An short indigo haired girl walked up, she wore a pastel blue gown with a bow near the chest area, "Aren't these the newcomers that came here early. If so I'd love to meet them some day, just not right now." The girl smiled and took Heizou back to the palace.

"I suppose that was the princess?" Itto asked Shinobu, "Umm your face is all red. Did anything happen?" Shinbou look at Itto wondering what was going on with him. "It is? That's insane." Itto glanced at the castle wondering what would happen if he wrote a letter....

That night...

"Itto, do you want some porridge dear?" An elderly woman by the name of Granny Oni asked Itto calmly, "No thank you, but thank you for asking I got food with Shinobu earlier so you didn't have to do more work than you already do." Itto looked up at Granny Oni with a smile and she smiled back, "Just remember your chores for tommorrow." She closed his door and Itto continued writing his letter:

"Dear Your exellency,

I know I'm a filthy peasant and don't deserve writing to thee. I want to say I want to meet you at one of your elegant balls.

From peasant,

Itto Arataki"

The next morning...

"Farewell Granny Oni! I'm off to deliver this letter I wrote last night!" Itto ran out the house and waved to his mom, "Make sure to do your chores after!" Granny Oni waved back to him. 

Itto ran racing towards the castle gates looking for the "princess's servant". (grammar isn't that good lol) "Ah, hello. According to the way you dress you must be a "peasant". My name is Heizou Shikanoin. Her majesty's servant. If that is for her majesty I shall take it and give it to her." Heizou pretended that he didn't know Itto since the princess's older brother, Masahito, was standing near them, Heizou then took the letter and went to the princess's room. 

"Sara Your Majesty! Sorry to bother your reading time and call you ever so disrespectfully but..." Heizou was panting from running to Sara's room. "Hush...it's ok", she put her hand under his chin, "I am not bothered nor angered by you entering. Give me the letter and I shall read it. Also..."

"Yes! I know I forgot to bow down to thee! I'm sorry." Heizou quickly bowed down. "No, it's fine. You have a special permission....you're not like the others. You find the "peasants".....rather exquisite....and fascinating...you may take your leave Shikanoin." With that Heizou left the room leaving the royal in her room alone. 

"This man has the courage to write to me, quite brave and courageous, he could've been caught by brothers or worse my father."

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