XVIII. Distances Away

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"Wait! No, please! I'm sorry!" Tears fell from Sara's eyes as she got locked into her room, "I knew this was a horrible idea." The tears were running down her eyes as she silently cried.

"How I would pay to hear your voice again Itto. Even for a little bit." Sara sat with her back to the door, silently crying and reassuring herself that he'd be back. "Please....be back soon."

"So you ran away in hope for a better life, I see..." The girl sighed and looked back at Itto and Shinobu,  "I pity you. No.....I pity your lovers..."

"W-What...why?" Itto looked at the "wise" girl with tears almost falling out of his eyes. 

"I pity your lovers because they are suffering much greater than you are. You left them there to alone, by themselves. Did you even tell them when you were coming back or did you leave them questioning?" The young woman scoffed, "You two are very foolish. Those two you love very much are left there, alone without knowing if you're ever going to be back." 

"Who are you anyway?" Shinobu looked at the girl with annoyance.

"I am Keqing, one of Her Majesty's....friends..." She hesitated before she spoke, "She finds me and her other assistant, Ganyu, closer than the others...although..."

"Although what?" Itto responded, curious to know what this somewhat wise woman was going to say next. 

"I'm somewhat familiar with the situation the two of you are in, royals being with the lower class." Keqing smiled at them, "It happened with Her Majesty and one of her favorite subjects, since Her Majesty rose to power." 

"Rose to power?" Shinobu raised an eyebrow. 

"Yes." The purple haired girl chuckled, "Rose to power, as crazy as it sounds she did." 

"She?" Itto was shocked, "In Inazuma....the king would have never let a woman rise to power, Sara's lucky that her father took her in." 

"Oh? Did this Sara tell you that? You two must be very close." Keqing sipped her tea, "All this chatter...you should go to Hu Tao." 

"Hu Tao?" Itto raised an eyebrow, "Is she your queen's attendant?" 

"Oh, heavens no! Her Majesty could never be able to tolerate her yapping, let alone have it in the palace!" Keqing laughed to herself, "Here....buisness card..." She handed Shinobu a buisness card that read: "Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, drop on by today!" 

"Thanks..." Shinobu cringed while taking the card.

"No problem, if you two are staying a while here, I'll see you around town." Keqing smiled at the two...foreigners. 

"You were planning on escaping with those peasants?! And Sara was involved in it?! As her personal attendant I expected you to watch her more carefully than this Shikanoin!" 


"Your Majesty!" Heizou held his hand up to his burning cheek, "It was her...idea." A burning guilt rested in the back of his mind, "I...." 

"And you went along with it!" Takayuki scolded Heizou even more, "You know how dangerous those peasants are!" 

"Really? If they're so dangerous than how come you went down to the village five years ago and forced me out of my parents' house to become a servant at this damn palace?!" Heizou slammed his hands on Takayuki's desk. 

"Because your parents gave me a good deal for you!" 

"W-what..." Tears began stirring in Heizou's eyes, "W-what...do you mean 'good deal'? Where are my parents?" He was in total shock and.....grief. "You told me that I would see my parents....you said that...." 

"Guess what Shikanoin? Your parents their...." 

"OH MY GOD! Sir Shikanoin! We need you....fourth floor...."

A distance scream was heard, and after that....a loud thud.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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