1. Prolouge: The beginning of a legend

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A 16-year-old Inko Midoriya was walking out of a clinic with her boyfriend Sumiyoshi Tsugikuni. Sumiyoshi is a young man of average height with fairly tanned skin and an athletic, muscular physique. He has ruffled, black hair that fades into red tips combed back to expose his forehead, and wide, dark red eyes with white pupils that appear lighter around the lower section of his irises.

They had just found out exciting news as after 4 months they had found out that Inko was pregnant with twins boys and while she and Sumiyoshi were young they both were extremely happy to be having them although Sumiyoshi was worried about Inko because she developed a sickness at a young age that weakened her body, it didn't impact her much now nor get in the way of potential hero work as she could use her telekinesis just fine but Sumuyoshi was very worried it would get much worse with the birth of the children and the years to come, they were out to celebrate with their friends Mitsuki bakugo, Masaru Bakuhatsu and Toshinori Yagi.

While on the way to their favourite restaurant, they were suddenly caught up in the middle of a fight between Nana Shimura and all for one although only Toshinori knew who he was, they had to run there was nothing they could do, they just entered their second year of UA and hadn't taken the provisional license exam yet (remember it's mainly the second years that take it class 1a was a rare exception because of villain attacks). As they were running Sumoyoshi was hit by a stray attack an air blast that went straight through his stomach. As he fell down he coughed up blood, "SUMIYOSHI NOOO" cried out Inko as she collapsed to her knees and started crying, he smiled weakly as he clasped her hands and looked into her bawling eyes "Don't cry Inko you needn't worry I'll always be there in your heart and you have little bundles coming, I'll always be watching you in the afterlife I want you to find new love be happy and raise our boys I love you I always have and I always will take care of Izuku and Michikatsu" he then gave her is hanafuda earrings and passed away with a smile on his face. Inko clutched the earring to her chest and cried just repeating I love you too before she was picked up by Toshinori as they ran away. Later the bodies were recovered, and separate funerals were held for Sumiyoshi and the now-dead Nana Shimura who failed to defeat all for one.

Ever since Sumoyoshi died every day when she woke up inko prayed to the sun god and to Lady Amaterasu the celestial sun goddess for the defeat of all for one and all villains alongside wishing Sumiyoshi's soul peace. After a couple of months, she followed his request and moved on but, in her heart, he would always hold her love, she started dating her friend Toshinori Yagi and then three months Inko gave birth to her two baby boys, her eldest was Michikatsu and her youngest was Izuku.

However Izuku was born with a disturbing birthmark that was on his head and Toshinori tried to send him away which Inko would not allow as she went into an unrelenting rage, however, Toshinori wouldn't back down and threatened her and so they came to a compromise that at the age of ten, they would send Izuku to a monastery, this was all she could do as her body had weakened even further after the birth of the boys so she couldn't do anything against Toshinori she even had to quit being a hero after a year because her body had deteriorated further. Despite being identified as twins, both born with dark red hair and red eyes, they lived entirely separate lives, the two had different rooms clothes education, and even food. Michikatsu was cherished by Toshinori while Izuku was tolerated. This treatment worsened as Michikatsu got a strong energy projection quirk while they believed Izuku was quirkless.

Izuku always clung to his mother's left side however since birth he had never once smiled and never spoke. So Inko as a woman of great faith prayed to the deities to shine warmly on her son's deaf ears and gave him his father's hanafuda earrings.
Inko wasn't the only one who worried for Izuku as Michikatsu often snuck into Izuku's tiny room just to play with him, however, if he was caught doing this or giving Izuku any of his things Toshinori would reprimand him harshly with a severe beating. This did not stop him because he gave Izuku a small wooden flute he made himself.

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