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Sofia wakes, up the sun streaming through her bedroom window. She sits up and stretches her arms above her head, letting out a yawn. Pulling her hair into a messy bun she gets out of bed only to get scared, and fall back onto her bed when Amber bursts into her room. 

"Sofia! Why aren't you up yet." Amber says, going over to her sister. 

"I was technically out of bed until you burst into my room like something horrible was going on," Sofia says, getting back out of bed. 

"Yes well today is the ball and we have to look perfect. I mean it is our engagement ball." Amber says. 

"And we have to get ready now?" Sofia questions. 

"No silly, we need to decide what we are going wear, our tiaras, shoes. We get ready after lunch." Amber says. 

"Amber the ball isn't till sundown. We don't need that long to get ready." Sofia reasons. 

"Speak for yourself Sofia." 

"Oh, Amber." 

Amber leaves and Sofia gets ready for the day. She picks out a maroon dress with lace trimmings. She pulls out some nude flats, slipping them on. She decides to leave her hair out in its natural waves, placing a white tiara on her head before heading out to breakfast. She sees everyone already seated down to pancakes, eggs, bacon, and fruit. Sofia takes her seat, sitting next to Jade and Ruby, sitting in front of Hugo. Sofia says good morning before she places pancakes and fruit on her plate and starts eating. 

"So who is excited for the ball tonight?" Elena asks. 

"I'm not," James says. "Party and Balls are boring." 

"Well you are going to have to get used to it James," Roland says. 

"Why?" James asks, curious about his father's answer.

"Well because you are the head of the Enchansian State, if the Queen of Enchansia cannot attend any balls or parties at other kingdoms. It is your job that you still go to represent your kingdom. And you still go if she does go." 

James groans. Hugo laughs and sticks his hand on James' shoulder. "Don't worry dude, I don't like them either." 

"Well I am excited," Amber says. 

"Obviously you live for this thing," James says. 

Everyone was talking, continuing to get to know each other. That's when Miranda pipes up. 

"Children, why don't you take everyone to the village and show them around the grounds." She says. 

"What will you guys be doing?" Sofia asks. 

"Your mother and I will be overseeing the last-minute preparations for the ball," Roland says. 

"Okay." The three royals say in union causing everyone to laugh. 

Once breakfast was over, everyone but Roland and Miranda piled into coaches and headed to the village to start the tour, with the help of Lucinda, Ruby, and Jade. Everyone was talking about the different parts of the village, the improvements, the farmers and crops, and the events that happen during the year. 

"So this is where you grew up Sofia?" Isabelle asked, getting a cold stare from Elena, saying that she overstepped slightly. 

"It was," Sofia says. 

They continue the tour, going up to the castle and showing everyone around the grounds there. 

"Wow, horses with wings Elena!" Isabelle cries. "They are beautiful." 

Sofia the First: The BetrothalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon