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Hugo had left and Sofia went to her room completely shocked. She was going to the queen. She was the crowned Princess of Enchansia. Sofia flopped on her bed, a hundred thoughts running through her head. 

"I can't be queen. I don't know the first thing." Sofia says to herself. "Then again, Mom didn't know the first thing about being queen either and she is doing great. Besides I have the classes from Ever Realm that will certainly help." 

Sofia decided the first ones (besides Hugo and her family) to know about all of this are her best friends from the village, Ruby, Jade, and Lucinda. She got off her bed and headed out of the castle down to Dungwhitty village. As she walked down the road, she finally spotted one of her friends. 

"Hey, Lucinda!" Sofia called. 

Lucinda turned around, a smile on her face when she sees Sofia. 

"Sofia, how are you," Lucinda says and they give each other a hug. 

"Well, I have news that is gonna have twenty different reactions at the same time but first where's Ruby and Jade?" 

"Oh, I think they were at the townhouse," Lucinda says. "Come on." 

The two girls head to the townhouse, to see Ruby and Jade just coming out. The four girls greet each other and Sofia tells them she has news. 

"Let's go to my house," Ruby says. "My mom has just finished making chocolate chip cookies." 

They all head to Ruby's house. When they walked in, they were immediately hit with the delicious smell of cookies. Ruby's mother greeted them, and they sat down at the table for cookies and tea. 

"So Sofia, what was your multiple reaction news," Lucinda says with a laugh. 

"Well." Sofia fiddles with the rim of her tea cup. "There are two parts of the news. Part one, I have been betrothed to Prince Hugo of Welshire." 

"REALLY!" Ruby cries. "That is so good like the guy right. Like is he nice and stuff?" 

Sofia laughs. "Yes, Ruby he is nice. But he is kinda the prince I told you guys I had maybe a tiny crush on." 

"Wow, your parents did great with matchmaking then." Jade laughs. "So what's the second part?"

"I am becoming Queen of Enchansia." 

The jaws of all the girls dropped to the floor.

"Are you serious?!" Ruby squeals.

Sofia nods. 

"Wow that is amazing Sofia," Lucinda says. 

"So cool. Are you nervous?"

Sofia nods again. "Completly and utterly nervous."

"You got this though Sofia. You are a true leader. It'll all be fine." Lucinda reassures her. 

"Thanks, Lucinda."

"And we will be here to help you in any way." 

"You girls already do so much. I mean you show my family around with the monthly royal visit. You make sure everything is running smoothly." Sofia says. 

"We just want to make sure that the village is in tip-top shape so no big problems happen. We care about the village." 

"I know you do. But also, please don't say anything to anyone else. I think Dad is doing some announcement or something. I'm not sure." Sofia says. 

"Don't worry Sofia. What you have told us doesn't leave this room. You can trust us." Jade says. 

The girls continue to talk until Sofia decided to head back to the castle since she knew dinner would be ready soon. She goodbye to her friends and headed back to the castle. She got back just in time for dinner. Everyone was eating, and Miranda was asking about everyone's day.

"And where did you disappear to after the meeting Sofia?" Roland says. 

"Just went to the village to see my friends. I kinda told them about the whole engagement and queen thing. I hope that was okay." Sofia says. 

"It's okay Sofia. I had a feeling you would want to tell someone. Especially those girls." Roland says. 

"They said they won't say anything to anyone though." Sofia then clarifies. 

Roland gives a nod. "Now, speaking of engagement. In two weeks time, there will be a ball to celebrate the engagement." 

Everyone then began asking questions about whos coming and what night it would be on. 

"Could Ruby, Lucinda, and Jade come?" Sofia asked.

"Of course Sofia. They are your friends and should be included in this important occasion." Miranda says. "Don't you think so Rolly?" 

"Yes, I do. And Sofia. The ball will be when you will be introduced as the crowned princess of Enchansia." Roland says. 

"Okay, dad." 

Sofia was still really nervous about being queen but she knew that if her mother could do it. Then she could too.

After dinner, slight preparations for the ball were made before everyone retired to bed. Sofia was dressed for bed, running a brush through her hair when James and Amber came in. 

"Sofia we need to talk to you," James says, closing the door behind him. 

Sofia nods and turns to her siblings. 

"Sofia, we really think you should talk to Dad about being betrothed to Hugo and cutting off contact with Hugo completely," Amber says. 

"Why? This engagement is supposed to help our kingdom, Amber. I can't just say no I won't because you don't like him." Sofia says. 

"Sofia you don't understand. Hugo has changed into a horrible person. So many people hate being around him at Corinthian. He bullies everyone in sight. We don't want you getting hurt." James says. "This is purely for your own good. We are trying to protect you and our kingdom since he'll be king and all." 

"Look guys, I appreciate the 'help and advice' but from what I have seen. Hugo is still the same sweet caring guy I graduated with. Not the stuck-up bully I first met." Sofia says. "There is nothing you can do or say to change my mind. You guys really shouldn't listen to rumors. Or check and see for yourself before making your mind up." 

"You are impossible Sofia," Amber says, throwing her head back in frustration. 

"We know these are rumors. My friends are telling me these things. They have seen it with their own eyes." 

"I still don't believe it James and I will continue not to until proven otherwise," Sofia says. 

The two siblings give up and leave Sofia's room. Sofia sighs and moves to her bed. This was going to be a long ride. 

Sofia the First: The BetrothalWhere stories live. Discover now