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It was a cool Spring morning, when Princess Sofia stirred in her sleep, causing her to wake up. Sitting up, she stretches her arms above her head, before taking a hair band off of her bedside table and ties her hair into a bun. Not long after she woke up, Suzzanne comes in, fresh linen in her hands. 

"Good morning Princess Sofia." She says, a smile on her face as she sets down the linen on the corner of the bed. 

"Good morning," Sofia says, getting out of bed. 

Sofia moves to her closet, looking through the many dresses she had. She finally chooses a bright yellow dress with some back flats. She then picks out a silver tiara with small diamonds in the center. She then runs a brush through her now long but still, wavy hair, deciding to leave it out. She places the tiara on her head, grabs her school satchel, and out to breakfast, saying goodbye to Suzzanne. 

She finally makes it to the main hall, where breakfast was just being served. The rest of her family were already seated, serving themselves. 

"Good morning everyone." Sofia greets, sitting down next to Amber. 

"Good morning Sofia." Miranda, her mother says. 

Sofia plates up her breakfast and starts eating. 

"Now children, there are quite a few things that need to be discussed this afternoon, so we are having a very important family meeting in the family room," Roland says. 

"So please come home promptly today after school," Miranda stresses. 

All the kids nod their heads, continuing to eat their breakfast. Amber and Sofia both go to Ever Realm Academy, whilst James goes to the Knights Academy. 

Suddenly Bailiwick comes in with a letter in his hand. He goes over to Sofia and hands it to her. "This is for you Princess." 

"Thank you." Sofia thanks, taking the letter from the butler. 

She opens it and reads it over, her eyes going slightly wide. 

"What is it?" Amber asks, seeing Sofia's expression. 

"Corinthian Sports has just asked me to fly on their flying derby race as one of their riders pulled out last second," Sofia tells everyone. 

"That is amazing Sofia," Miranda says, clasping her hands together happily. 

"You aren't going to accept that are you? Sofia you have school and study and everything." Amber says.

"Amber it isn't your decision and I love flying derby so I would be silly if I didn't accept this. They don't have a team at Ever Realm since the kind of school it is." Sofia says. "Bailiwick would you please let Corinthian Sports know that I would gladly accept the offer."

"Right away Princess Sofia." Bailiwick bows and leaves the room.

"Sofia, why would you do that when I said that you shouldn't accept." Amber shrieks.

"Amber like I said it isn't your decision. Besides, I am all over the stuff at school. I am sure I will be fine if I miss a few days." Sofia reasons. 

"This isn't fair. You are supposed to be training to be my royal advisor. Not going off riding flying horses for a school you don't attend." 

"Amber has it ever occurred to you that maybe I don't want to. You never asked me what I wanted when we were talking about my role here in the kingdom. I didn't even need to choose a role. I could have been free to do whatever I wanted. But because this whole royal advisor thing made you happy, I decided that I may as well do it. But now I realized that instead of putting my happiness first. I put yours. This might be my only chance to do something like this again." 

Sofia the First: The BetrothalWhere stories live. Discover now