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Over the next few days, Sofia found it difficult to concentrate at school and even on derby practice. The stares and whispers caused Sofia to feel more like an outsider than ever before. Royals were saying a village girl shouldn't become queen and that a Princess that disregards rules and traditions shouldn't rule a kingdom. 

"Sofia are you okay?" Hugo asks, once their derby practice was over. 

"Yeah, I guess." Sofia sighs. 

"I don't think you are. What's wrong?" Hugo stands in front of Sofia, taking her hands into his. "Talk to me."

"It's the things everyone is saying. It's starting to get to me. Doubt myself." Sofia admits, looking at Hugo.

"I know Sofia, but everything is going to be okay. Nothing is going to change the fact that you are going to be the best ruler Enchansia has ever seen." 

Sofia gives Hugo a smile. "Thanks." 

Sofia gives Hugo a hug before jumping back on Minimus and flying home. She decided to say hi to her friends at the village before she headed to the castle for dinner. She lands Minimus and they walk around the village until she spots Lucinda. 

"Oh hey, Sofia." Lucinda greets. 

"Hi, Lucinda. Thought I'd say hi before I head back home." Sofia says. 

"Well, it's always good to see you. I'm sorry again for what happened at the ball." 

"It's okay. Pretty much used to it anyways." Sofia shrugs. 

"Well, you shouldn't have to. You will be a great ruler." 

Before Sofia could respond, there was laughing behind them. Sofia turns around to see two girls almost identical twins laughing coming towards them.

"A good ruler. Come on Lucinda you have to joking." one says. 

Lucinda crosses her arms. "No Paige I am not joking and I am sure you have something better to do than come around here and torment Sofia." 

"Oh like a girl from a village is fit to be queen." the other says. 

Sofia recoils into her shell slightly and Lucinda notices. 

"Paige, Jessica don't you have some lace to dress in or something," Lucinda says, narrowing her eyes. 

The sisters scowl at the witch. "Well, at least we are of proper class and not just pretending." 

With that, they turn on their heel and walk away. Sofia breathes out with a sigh. 

"Why do they have to be so mean all the time," Lucinda says, shaking her head. 

"I wish I knew. They were the ones that would spread all the bad things about me in the village." Sofia says. "They picked on me bad."

"Yeah well, it seems they need to find someone else to pick on, or maybe no one at all. They used to do the same to me when I first moved here but they didn't do it again after I hexed them." 

Sofia laughs slightly. "Well I should get going so I am in time for dinner." 

Sofia says goodbye to Lucinda and rides off to the castle on Minimus. She makes it just in time for dinner. Everyone talked about their day but Sofia was silent. Miranda notices but doesn't bring it up at the dinner table. Once everyone went their own ways, Miranda goes up to Sofia's room. 

"Sofia, you were very quiet at dinner. Is everything okay?" Miranda asks, sitting on the big canopy bed in the room. 

"Paige and Jessica were just giving me a hard time when I went to the village today," Sofia says quietly. 

"Oh, Sofia. I'm sorry." Miranda pulls Sofia in for a hug. 

"I don't know why they hate me so much but they do just do." 

"I wish I knew myself Sofia. But you don't need to worry about those girls. You are here and they are there." Miranda says looking at her daughter. "Things are hard but there is always light at the end of the tunnel. 

"Well, I hope that light comes quicker." Sofia laughs lightly. 

"It will. Now your father forgot to bring this up at dinner, but there is going to be a ball at Wilshire in a couple of days. It's the annual masquerade ball. Thought I would just let you know." 

"Thanks, Mom. I'm going to get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning." 

Miranda places a light kiss on her forehead before leaving the room, closing the door. 

"I really hope things turn around quickly," Sofia says aloud before sleeping under her blankets and falling asleep.

Sofia the First: The BetrothalWhere stories live. Discover now