Ida was still unconscious along with Stain, but I could tell he was stirring. The Hero was unconscious, Gentle had bandaged him. I knew he had to get to a hospital or he wouldn't make it.

The others saw my look and knew. "You're right, we have to get them to the hospital." Brava then looked at Ida who was almost two and a half heads taller than her. The gaze shifted to the other two huge figures than to me and Gentles's injuries. "How in the heck are we going to do that."

"She's right. We can't move the Hero too much or he will die. Same with Stain but I don't know if we care about that." They both looked at me and in all honesty I didn't know either.

"Can't we call someone? I can carry Ida."

"No you can't."

"Okay, you can."

"I'm too small."



I tsked, "Dang out of options."

"I can walk," Ida muttered. We turned to the groggy face and we all knew that couldn't happen. I was in my right mind to punch him again.

"Great now he's awake."

Ida looked at me and quickly looked away. I was confused. Sure I was covered in blood and pain, but that's rude. His face looked sickened, then I realized that every one on this rooftop was in full display of my scarring.

I felt shame burning into my scars. Brava got the message and threw me my hoodie she had stashed in her bag. I quickly put it on. The actions hurt as I pulled it over my head. My twitching started to act up and it hurt.

"Can you walk?" The question popped out and Ida struggled to stand but managed.

"Can you?" I had been sitting down and the thought of moving has not crossed my mind.

"Probably." I felt angry at him. So much so that I pushed myself off the ground and balanced myself on one leg. Occasionally to keep my balance I had to put weight on the other one, but hey, I was standing. I grumbled as the tired quirk effect took over. I need coffee. A shot of espresso would work. Maybe seven. Ida's face flashed with regret as I took a step forward. The unprofessional stitches worked, but they let some blood through as I moved.

I was fine. Dandy.

"Phantom no. I am sorry, please don't move." Ida moved for me but stopped at my look of disdain.

"Your brother was a good man and you have nothing to show for it." My words caused the chaos of battles around us to quiet. "If you want to do better get us some help. Call the Heroes you have on speed dial and save this man's life." I pointed to the fallen Hero.

Anger flashes in his eyes along with regret and confusion. I could also see sorrow. Ida took out his phone and dialed. As he told the situation to whoever I turned to Stain. Gentle had punched him not so lightly in the head. It landed in his face. His nose was cracked and swollen. There was a possibility that Gentle had damaged his eyesight. But looking at the man there was a lot worse than damaged eyesight.

Do I feel bad? I don't. He is a horrible man but he has done good.

I shook my head.

Where do I draw the line? Is there a line? If there is what have I become?

I heard the click of the phone being hung up and I turned back to Ida. His face was pale he needed medical attention. Sucks for him I already got mine. "How long till they get here?"

"Two minutes. They are already in the area."

I swore under my breath. The panicked faces of my teammates showed. Somehow with the plan I backed still working I spoke quickly, "You two know the drill. Go closer to the center of the city and pretend to have gotten caught in the attack. With any luck you will get into a good hospital. I will be at the rendezvous place as soon as I can," I saw the worry in their eyes, "I'm not going to die."

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