Training, Fighting, Plotting

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"Since you told Bakugou and Hitoshi that you would help them train at the beach I am going to have to come," Eraserhead said to me.

He only found out because Hitoshi told him. "Okay."

"Ren!" Hitoshi yelled from his room, "Bakugou, just texted me and said he was there."

The only reason why I wasn't there was Eraserhead. I looked up at the man, but his face was set in stone.

"I owe you a fight anyways," Eraserhead said.

I glanced at him not expecting this. I didn't want to fight him anymore. I don't know what was going through my head when I said that.

"You don't have to do that. I'm just going to show them how to do a flip thing."

"A flip thing?"

His voice asking for the name of the flip.

"Yeah, a flip thing."

He ended up sticking with us, but I figure as much. It was a twenty-minute walk to the beach if you were walking fast. Eraserhead suggested that we should run for a warm-up. We got there much sooner.

"This will be great training for the sports festival." Hitoshi puffed.

"Sports Festival?" I asked.

I didn't know it was coming up soon. My mind has been thinking of other problems. The crime rate is going up. I'm being tracked. The Master of the circus is back, but now he's working for someone else. But who?

Bakugo was walking up behind me when I said this, "Oi did you grow up in a hole? You must have if you don't know what that is."

Both of the Aizawa's tensed up.

"Ha! At least I had a home!" I shot back at him, "Because you clearly weren't taught any manners."

Bakugo through a punch at me but I just stepped back. I enjoyed this. Their faces were priceless.

Bakugo looked over face red from missing, "Pencil Top I know that Hitoshi is your son, why are you here?"

"Watch your nicknames kid."

"He wanted to see what kind of training I've been putting Hitoshi through, even though I haven't done it that many times." I mumbled the last part, ". He's just making sure that it won't backfire on muscle-building or giving us tips on anything." The lies dripped off my tongue. "Anyways Bakugo I didn't grow up in a hole, I just didn't realize how close it was."

"I was going to give the class two weeks heads up, but it is in fact in three weeks." I turned to Eraserhead as he kept talking, "But it's pretty public when it is happening."

"Okay, so that can be our end goal! I mean Ren can teach us every day after school for the Festival!"

"Why would he want to do that? And why do you think he can teach us more than Pencil Top."

"Eraserhead, you should totally teach all three of us. That would be way better than if I tried to teach."

"No kid I would like to see how you are going to go about this."

"If you say so, then let's begin. First, you just want to learn how to do that flip right?" I turned my attention to Bakugo.

"Yeah, it would be useful," he responded.

"Okay, then both of you need to start with a handstand."

I tucked my wings against my back and did a handstand showing them.

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