Running Out of Time

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[Running Out of Time]

Ron was fading and fast. His face was pale, almost white. His breathing was becoming shallow, his pulse weakening.

I looked down at his open stomach. It was one thing to kill a person, but a whole other thing to see your friend opened, their insides out on display. I didn't know what to do, where to start. I was worried I'd mess up, I'd touch something I shouldn't, and that Ron would die because of me. Desmen hadn't moved, waiting for me to decide what was best for Ron. But I didn't know what was best. I felt a hand grasp my wrist. I looked up to Ron's face. He looked at me, his eyes empty, but he played a feeble smile on his lips.

He swallowed to moisturize his throat. "Iris..." He whispered and swallowed again, "I need you to stop staring and get working." He swallowed again. "I don't have much time. You need a first aid kit..... lots of gauss..... medical tape..... an IV bag with a central line.... and a needle and surgical sutures. You need to..... put me back together."

I was surprised he could even talk, let alone be able to grab my wrist. "Okay, okay." I looked at Desmen. "Go see if there's any first aid kit down here."

"Right." Desmen said before turning to scoure the room for our desperately needed supplies.

"How you holding up?" I asked him trying to figure out how I'll keep him together.

"I'm not." He joked.

"Funny." I said cooly. "Honestly Ron, I need to know."

He swallowed. "I'm in pain, but it could be worse. Thank God for adrenaline." He smiled to himself.

We sat there silently while Desmen kept searching. I watched him as he moved. He physically checked every inch of the room. Turning to look at me he shook his head slightly. I hung my head, eyes and teeth clenched together. My hands formed fists on my knees. "Damn it." I cursed angrily.

"It's ok hun. It's ok...." He turned his head to look up at the ceiling. "If I go, I go."

"Don't you fucking say that." I growled, tears wielding in my eyes.

"You worrying isn't going to change anything. I told you what I need. There's a chance. I don't want to go yet either but we should be prepared." He said shallowly before coughing violently.

"Alright, alright. Take it easy. I'll go get what you need." I stood up. "I promise."

"You what?" Desmen snapped.

"What!- what now?" I turned sharply snapping at him.

"You want to go out there and get yourself killed!"

"What else am I suppose to do?!"

"Don't go!"

"And let Ron die? You really want that on your shoulders?! Knowing that you let your friend die?!"

He looked down at Ron and back to me. He took long strides toward me, our noses almost touching. "If you go, I have to go with you."

"Are you crazy? You need to watch Ron. He could die while we're gone. I need you-" I gripped his shoulder and looked him in the eye, "I need you to stay here and watch him. I'll come back. I promise." I reached my hand to the back of his neck and placed my head against his, my eyes closed. "I promise." He mimicked me and closed his eyes.

I knew I was manipulating him, and I hated it, but I knew it was the only way to make him listen. I knew his feelings for me but I didn't feel the same way. I don't know how. I opened my eyes and saw his still closed. I looked over to Ron who was staring at us but then turned away. He knew what I was doing and momentarily hates me for it.

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