11. Welcome Home

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- Alessandra Moretti - 

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- Alessandra Moretti - 

I awoke, feeling everything in my body take a second before all the pain came back with full force, making me clutch my ribs to stop it. After I realized that it was making it worse, I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up more, before two hands pried them away. I flinched, unsure. 

I slowly looked up to the man, realizing he was the one that had picked me up and hugged me. I moved away from him, fearing what he could do to me. He could just be like them, and that scared me a lot. It scared me very much. "Hey, hey, it's ok. It's me" he muttered. I knew who he was, the man that I had met not so long ago, but that was just about it. I didn't know if he could do what they did. 

He looked larger than them, and he had darker skin, so maybe that meant that he could do more than what the other people did back where I knew everything. If he wanted, I could show him my number, and he could just take me back there now, and everything will be okay. I might get hurt, but I got to be away from the pain for a little while. It was enough for now, but maybe I could do it again, just to get a taste of what I have today.  

"Hey, I'm your big brother. I promise I won't hurt you" I had no idea what he meant. What was a big brother? What was a promise? Just because he said he wouldn't hurt me today did not meant that he wouldn't hurt me tomorrow or the day after or the day after that one. He could squeeze me too hard and that would hurt or he could drop me and that would hurt even more. Anything he did would hurt much more than what anything had ever hurt before. 

"I'm your big brother, Francis. You have 5 other brothers, but 6 including myself" he was just confusing me even more. He was adding numbers into all these other words. I scrunched my nose up, as my head started to hurt even more with trying to understand everything that was going on. 

He must have sensed my confusion, as he sighed quietly, before continuing. "We have the same parents" I just shrugged my shoulders, hoping that he would just move on from the topic. I just wanted to rest my head against him again, to stop the pounding in my head that was getting worse the more I moved and tried to figure out what he was telling me. I had had the best sleep in my life, by resting my head on this person. He was more comfortable than the cold, hard floor that I usually slept on, that usually covered me in something when I was awoken. 

So, I did just that. I pressed my forehead against him, feeling a sort of relief from my head. I huffed, when the pain in my stomach wouldn't go away. "What's wrong?" he murmured, making me blink away the tears that were starting to cloud my eyes. I just shook my head, crying out in pain. "ok, ok, don't move. I'll get you too a hospital" and with that, he got up, making it even worse. 

The tears started to spill down, making me sniffle as my nose started to get stuffy, as I started to heave my chest up and down. Before I knew it, I was sobbing, not only just in pain, but the fear of not knowing what could happen next. I really wished that I had never run away at all. 

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