Missions for team 7

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''Take your time to mourn but I don't have all day. I will be straight to the point. I want you to join me. Become my ally and I will give you a purpose once more.'' Naruto offered but it only made Haku angry.

''You! You killed master Zabuza. I'll kill you!'' Haku said in an angry voice filled with hate for Naruto.

''I tried being diplomatic but I always did suck at it. Know that I was being reasonable but I have my limits.'' Naruto said as his eyes changed to the eternal mangekyō. ''Kotoamutsukami.'' Naruto muttered and the symbol of his eyes appeared on Haku's eyes. After about fifteen seconds, the ice user was his to control. ''Haku, can you hear me?''

''Yes, master Naruto.'' Haku obediantly and submissivly replied.

''Just a test but... who do you serve and what is your purpose?''

''I serve you, master Naruto. My purpose is to fulfill your wishes.'' Haku answered.

''Good. Very good. Delta here will instruct you in the way I want things. Delta, I have acquired Gato's shipping company for my own and I want you to run it in my stead.'' Naruto told them both.

''A shipping company, master? May I ask what is your plan?''

''Simple. I want to become Hokage, Delta. Not just that but maybe daimyo and the new shogun of the continent. Gato is rich and his company has influence. I will use it as a way to trap hostile nations in an economic trap and they will have no choice but to submit themselves to me. A meeting will be held soon and I want you to run it for me.''

''I understand, master. Your wish will be fulfilled.'' Delta replied in a humble bow.

''Now get me something to eat. I'm starving.''

               -about a week later-

Jonin from the Leaf village were tasked with other missions. Recent border skirmishes made the Hokage put most jonin near the border. However, there were still numerous missions to be carried out so Minato assigned leaders from the most capable genin or chunin to be team leader for the moment. For the rookies, it was as followed: Menma for team 6, Naruto for team 7, Shino for team 8 and Shikamaru for team 10. Sasuke was a bit angry that Naruto got to be the assistant leader while Hinata refused to work with Shino who she believed to be inferior.

Right now, team 7 was assigned for a mission protecting Idate Morino. A dispute between two powerful families in the Land of Tea could, apparently, be solved by a race or at least that's what the mission info said. Team 7 had met up with Idate and both Sasuke and Sakura had butted heads with the fast runner. Naruto had to be the voice of reason between client and team and they currently on a boat heading to the Land of Tea. However, they were attacked by a team of Rain genin and the enemy team lit their boat on fire.

''Get ready to jump now.'' Naruto said as he cut the mast and with Sakura's help, push it down to the water. They all jumped to the mast but were vulnerable.

''Great. We're sitting ducks now o mighty team leader.'' Sasuke said to Naruto.

''Be quiet and cover me.'' Naruto ordered as he weaved signs for the water dragon jutsu. Sasuke distracted the Rain genin with a fireball while Sakura threw several shuriken. Naruto managed to complete the signs and the water dragon pushed them all the way to shore. The Rain team, however, were still on their trail. ''Go and protect Idate. I'll handle them.'' Naruto said as he prepared to fight the genins. Sasuke and Sakura ran up the cliff with Idate behind them. ''Come at me.''

The Rain team jumped into the water and Naruto smirked. He activated his EMS and used his ability, 'Suijin', to turn the waters into a whirpool and draw them out. Naruto trapped one of them in a genjutsu and moved in quickly to chop the other two. They never stood a chance against him. Naruto continued via body flicker and reached his teammates only to find both Sasuke and Sakura unconscious. ''Aoi Rakusho. The thief who stole the lightning sword of the second Hokage. B rank if I remember correctly. Well, this just keeps getting better and better.'' Naruto said as he jumped to protect Idate.

''Another one? Come to die, little genin?'' taunted Aoi.

''From the likes of you? Please.'' Naruto shoved Aoi aside for the rogue nin was not worth his full attention. He drew his Narada and moved in to strike. Aoi firmly believed in the superiority of his sword and was shocked to see the chakra being absorbed by Naruto's sword. Naruto kicked Aoi hard in the knee, breaking it and then cut off his arms as well. Naruto then dragged Aoi to the river and threw him down, drowning the rogue ninja.

Team 7 completed their mission once more. The race happened with Idate winning and the Land of Tea having economic ties to the village. Team 7 then left the place to return home.

      -Village hidden in the Leaves-

Team 7 had returned to the village, only to find it covered with a thick fog and in ruins. ''What in dafuq?'' Naruto muttered at the sight of the village. Multiple scenarios played in his mind. Was it Stone, Cloud, Mist or someone else entirely? ''Old man Hiruzen.'' Naruto said outloud and went to the 3rd Hokage who was near a tree outsude the village. ''Are you okay?''

''Na-Naruto.'' Hiruzen Sarutobi let out weakly. ''It is all... our fault. Yakumo... Kurama... she did this.''

''What happened?''

''You must stop her, Naruto. I know of your true strength. Your eyes may be the only thing that can stop her. Yakumo is heiress to the Kurama clan but we, the 4th Hokage, myself and elders feared her potential. We sealed her powers but it only grew stronger and became a demon. Her power... is genjutsu. It is so powerful it can turn what she imagines into reality.''

'Turn in into reality? That is ridiculously overpowered.' thought Naruto. 'I will definetly have to use my eternal mangekyō.'

''Stop her, Naruto. Stop... her.'' Hiruzen said before succumbing to unconsciousness.

'Kurama clan huh? I remember them from my books. Only clan to rival my own when it came to genjutsu. Their compound... oh yeah. I remember now.' Naruto thought as he moved in to stop Yakumo. His teammates followed him through fog and giant genjutsu monters. Naruto watched as lightning struck the Hokage tower and it vanished into thin air, a giant snake in it's place. 'Okay, now this is just insane.' Naruto thought and they arrived where the Kurama clan compound was, only to find it lit on fire. Naruto helped a man who pointed elsewhere to the mountains. Naruto knew that was where Yakumo was.

As team 7 went to Yakumo's place, a fire started to come at them. Sasuke believing it to only be genjutsu, flared his chakra and walked through it but was unconscious and fell down. Naruto quickly pulled Sasuke back and took both him and Sakura to a safe location. Naruto returned and activated his Susanoo, walking through the intense heat and inside Yakumo's room. ''Yakumo Kurama, it's okay. I'm here to help you.'' Naruto said, hoping she'll listen. The girl looked terrified upon seeing her paintings and Naruto was captured by some black ooze.

''I-I never wanted this. All I wanted was to be a genjutsu specialist like Kurenai Yuhi.'' Yakumo said with tears as her kunai was near her stomach.

''And you still can. You are stronger than the demon. Fight it. Don't let it control you.'' Naruto said and the demon came out of the paintings. ''You must be the demon.'' Naruto said and the creature introduced itself as Ido. Naruto channeled purple lightning through his fingers and broke free. He threw several shuriken but Ido slapped them all away. Ido came to attack Naruto who used his Susanoo skeletal arm to trap the demon. ''Kotoamutsukami.'' Naruto said and in one quick strike, he controlled the demon. ''Now, you will give your power to the girl, never bother her and come out again.'' Naruto ordered and all the genjutsu faded.

''It's... it's over. It's all over.'' Yakumo happily said.

''Yeah. It's done.'' Naruto said and was hugged by the Kurama clan heiress. Another successful mission completed before the chunin exams.

Naruto Uchiha: the dragon emperor (Rewrite)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz