9. Saviour

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TW//mentions of alcohol, drinking, being drunk, mentions of drowning, mature language



I remember, falling.

I remember, the droplets of the cold press of my wet shirt embracing me whole, suffocating me.

I remember, sickening blackness, filled with empty shadows.

I remember, feeling my lungs get heavier, the deeper I sank.



His chest sunk in and rose at an unnatural rate, breaths shallow. It was concerning.


He flinched,his brows furrowing.


He groaned out aloud, eyes fluttering open to the pain it caused him.

Blurry vision, sore lungs. Throat aching, breaths hurting.


He "aah'd", his eyes finally deciding to cooperate, and let his gaze fall on two charcoal eyes, a mere two inches away from his own.


He gasped, jolting backwards, clutching his head with another groan as he hit it into stone.

She hissed at the sudden movement, flaring her frills, but otherwise made no move to attack.

She leaned in closer, and he stiffened, laying flat against boulders.

Sniff sniff

She dropped her stance, leaning back, relaxed, now that she couldn't smell the hoorid stench of alcohol she couldn't recognise.

They locked their eyes, but she soon got preoccupied with splashing water with her tail.

He breathed out, only now realizing his shirt was damp, torn and bloody all throughout. That meant two things.

One, and less concerning; he had been laying on air for a while.

Two, more concerning; he had an injury.

Lifting his shirt, he checked for a gnash, or a scratch on his bloody chest and stomach. Nada, abs intact.

He wiggled his toes. Nada, good.

Adrenaline slowly wearing off, it exposed a pulsing pain in his left shoulder.

He took off his used-to-be white shirt, disposing it on the stone ground below.

He checked his shoulder, and saw two long claw marks.

"Hum" She hummed, cocking her head towards his bleeding shoulder.

She saved him. She had no reason to. She could have left him to drown. But she saved him, instead. Yeah..sure,she did accidentally scratch him in the process, but she did save him.

"Uh..just a scratch. I'm okay." He said, as he balled up the 'magically color-changing' material, clutching it to his shoulder to stop it from bleeding. That soon proved to be no use, just pain, so he tied it around his scapula like a harness.

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