Before she responds she takes in a deep breath, turning towards me with an apologetic look and back towards Ace.

She's about to completely blow up on him, but before she says anything else I cut in. I'm not sure if what I said would help at all, but it was worth a shot to get them somewhat closer.

" I have to go take a call, you guys stay right here I'll be back in a minute." I lie, smiling towards both of them before turning around and walking through the huge crowd of students.

I just had to leave them alone for five minutes until they had to eventually stop arguing and start talking normally.


As I walk I admire the attention to detail, making sure to take it all in. I would probably never go to an event this extravagant again, so I needed to make the most of it.

There were large chandeliers hanging from the ceilings, candles lit up nearly everywhere, tables adorned in white cloth, and gold vases filled with beautiful flowers sitting on top.

It definitely wasn't a normal prom you'd see in movies. Every detail and decoration was probably worth hundreds of thousands, even the food catering looked expensive.

The sound of all the students mixed with the loud music starts to give me a headache as I try my best making my way around people.

It only got more packed since everyone was finished scanning their tickets by now.

I let out a breath of relief when I see the large doors leading to the outdoor patio so I could get some fresh air.

I'm about to walk towards the doors until I catch Leslie and her friends standing in that direction. I let out a sigh before turning around and deciding on going upstairs to the restroom instead. There was no way I'd go anywhere near her or her friends today.

It was much less packed upstairs, but still somewhat difficult to walk through all the people. I finally reach the bathroom, but right as I'm about to close the door behind me a hand stops it from moving any further.

I look behind me, my eyes wide when I see Caden's tall frame towering over me. He pulls the door open easily, walking in before shutting it behind him and moving towards me.

I feel my heart race nervously as I slowly back up, my hands gripping onto the counter behind me when he moves up to my short frame, both of his hands locking me in on either side of the sink.

" W..what?" I barely let out, moving my head back slightly when he looks down at me with dark eyes.

" Do you understand how hard it is to fucking control myself?" He scowls, looking down at me. I furrow my eyebrows together, slowly shaking my head no as I try to push myself farther back.

The smell of his cologne was intoxicating me, and his grey eyes looking like they were holding a storm back only make me more nervous.

" Control yourself? With what?" I ask, blinking up at him. Caden searches my face closely, his jaw tensing before he opens his mouth to speak.

" How many eyes here do you think I've wanted to rip out before setting another glance at you?" He says lowly, only confusing me more.

" Caden, your crazy." I sigh, trying to push away from him but he moves closer, pushing me back. My breaths become more heavy when I notice how close he'd gotten, our bodies nearly touching as he looked down at me.

" How much longer are you going to pretend there's nothing between us?" He says, his voice dark and serious. I watch him, my lips parted as I try finding an answer to his question.

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