Aemond didn't understand why he saw red, why the couldn't stand the sight of his brother making filthy jokes and gestures about Aemma, why it frustrated him as mush as when Aegon did it about Helaena. Aemma was not his sister, she was not his family. She was his half sister's daughter, but she was not his family. She was just kin. Aegon had sometimes made that kind of jokes about their Hightower cousins but it never angered him. But right now, he couldn't stand it. Allow it.
" Listen to me you little piece of shit. You stay away from her." He hissed and Aegon's smile widened.

" And why would I do that brother ?"

Why. Why wanted he to keep his brother away from Aemma ? He didn't care about her. No, he didn't. Why would he ? In fact, he didn't even care what his brother could do to her, that cunt hadn't even thanked him for the arrow he took for her. Perhaps she deserved to be defiled and bring shame to her family. To her mother. If she were to lay with Aegon, her mother would be forced to give up on her inheritance and wouldn't have to kill them.

But his hand was still tightly wrapped around Aegon's jacket and even if his mind wanted to let go his body wouldn't listen. It wanted to grab his neck and break it for even thinking about her in such ways. It would have, if the wound in his shoulder wasn't hurting him with every move. Because of her. Again.
" She's.." he couldn't let go of him. No matter how hard he wanted to. " She's Rhaenyra's daughter, mother,"- Aemond- "mother doesn't want you to start a war. Keep your cock in your pants when you're not in Flee Bottom."

" You're sure you want to stay here ?" Daemon asked and Aemma nodded.

He was about to leave for Dragonstone and after une dinner he was not really fond of the idea of leaving Aemma here.

" I can't leave. I'm not a coward." She whispered and the prince nodded.

" My presence here is the only reason Viserys is really taken care of." Aemma said and Daemon looked away. " I can protect myself."

Daemon nodded. " As long as you stay away from the stepstones. Promise me."

The princess slowly shook her head and Daemon took a deep breath.
" I won't do anything stupid again. That, I promise. But you can't expect me to stay here and eat cake while my grandsire is fighting for our lives." She said.

Daemon sighed and approached Aemma before kissing her forehead. " Be careful, riña." He said and the girl nodded.

The prince stared at her for a moment, still deciding wether he would force her to come or not, feeling his hesitation, Aemma nodded again and Daemon made his way to the door.
" Dameon !" She called out and the prince turned toward her. " Do not tell mother about.. anything. Please."

" Are you asking me to lie to my wife ?" He leaned against the door.

" Yes, but for your beloved daughter. Please you know she will want me to come back." She begged and Daemon scoffed.

"I want my beloved daughter back home too." This time Aemma was the one to scoff.

" Miss me already ?" She teased and the rogue prince rolled his eyes.

" Don't make me take you against your will riña." He warned and Aemma bitted her cheek. " Don't do anything stupid mh ?"

She slowly nodded and the prince sighed before leaving the room.

Aemma was not stupid, he knew that, he knew her, he had practically raised her but unfortunately for those who desperately wanted to protect her, she was a dragon. He did not think that the blood of the dragon would run in Laenor's blood, but it did in Rhaenys' and Rhaenyra's.
Aemma Velaryon was definitely a dragon, a stupid one, but a dragon. He had seen it the day she bounded with Bloodfyre. He, himself, had been scared of the beast, scared that she would kill him along with his stepdaughter. But when Aemma had walked toward her, fearless, when that child whose shouts of fear and pain had resounded against the walls of the castle for months had walked towards Bloodfyre he had seen it. He had known. When the beast had let out a screeching, when it had clearly threatened to kill her, Aemma had only taken another step, she hadn't been scared. And she had become a dragonrider at nine. One of the youngest in history.

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