I needed to scream my lungs out.

I ran and ran, exploring the whole until I could find someone to help my family, my parents and my brothers.

I was running when I bumped to someone. I didn't even check them who they were, so I kneeled down only.

"Help p-lease.. I need your h-elp." Those were the only words that left my mouth. I was shaking. My body couldn't handle it anymore.

"Dear, it's me Eleanor. What happened?" My eyes widen when I heard her name. Eleanor. The chef. I looked up at her still crying.

"My family. On the f-loor. Kitchen. L-iving room.." I couldn't speak well anymore.

The last few things I only heard were shouting.


A bright light flashed my burning eyes. My mind was empty for a second until I looked down. Surprisingly, I was wearing a hospital gown.

I clench my teeth. Who the f--- decided to dress me up without my permission? I swear, I'll cut their dogs if I find out.

Sighing, I jerk my head up and my heart went down.

There stood my whole family laying down at a bed. Now who the hell did this to them?

What happened? Why are we here?

And lastly, where is my daughter?

I suddenly hissed while standing up and noticed the IV at my other arm. Great, Romeo.

"Relax idiot." My head snapped to the door seeing Hades. Literally?

"You're in our hospital, so stop freaking out."

"Where is my daughter?"

"She's with your chef, Eleanor." I sighed in relief after hearing the good news.

"Eleanor will explain everything that happened. I'll call her then I'll leave you two alone" He says and we both bid goodbye non-verbally.

I couldn't think straight. The only memory I remembered was talking with my daughter, then passing up randomly.

I'm dead worried about my wife and children. Yes, I do admit myself. I get worried easily especially if it's something about my family.

"Good day sir." All of a sudden, I heard Eleanor's voice greeting me. I look at her and nod my head.

"How is my daughter doing?" Was the first question I asked. I wanted to know first how Divine is doing.

"She is doing fine. Although, most of the time she was crying. Fortunately, I calmed her and fell asleep." I hummed gesturing her to continue.

"Unfortunately, you and your family were poisoned." I furrowed my eyebrows and sat straight.

We were poisoned? How? I wasn't even injected by something stupid. This is odd.

"Food poisoning."

Those two little words that she spoke burned the whole world already. I was poisoned, so is my family.

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