"Uh Hi," Remus says. It's not rude, just confused. Sirius doesn't look up from his lunch. I don't get discouraged, I knew this would be difficult. "What brings you to our table today?"

I almost smile, I do miss having Remmy around as more than an awkward acquaintance on some level.

What brings me to your table?

I need someone, the last person anyone would ever expect.

My hands knot themselves underneath the table, but I refuse to come off as unconfident. I know who and what I'm here for. "Sirius could I speak to you alone?"

He looks up, finally. "I'll pass, thank you."

Marlene kicks him under the table.

"Bloody-hell, Marls! I told you to knock that shit off!" He groans as he rubs his shin.

"Then behave," she seethes. Marlene puts a comforting hand on my shoulder, blue eyes crashing into mine, encouraging me to continue.

There's a sound coming from Marlene's chest. Her heartbeat has suddenly gone wild and I don't know what to make of it.

She flushes and looks away.

I refocus.

"It's important." I reassure him.

Sirius drops his fork in annoyance, letting me know I've ruined his meal. Good. He stands up as if he's about to leave and I'm quick to follow suit, my long limbs tangle awkwardly as I try to get out of the bench. Remus sends me an odd glance as his eyes watch me trail behind Sirius. I can't care though, this isn't about him.

Finally Sirius and I reach a semi-secluded corridor. He crosses his arms as if his very presence alone is enough to command me to speak.

For todays purposes, I'll allow it.

"I..." taking a deep breath, "need your help."

Sirius stares at me blankly for only a moment before he bursts out into laughter, doubling over. It's a silvery sound, almost like keys jingling. Beautiful and the corridor echos with it. The shadow of his shaking figure flashes across my face. After about a minute he collects himself, stands up straight and takes a breath after he wipes a tear. "Oh you weren't kidding." Sirius sounds disappointed.

"I need your help." I say again, this time my voice holds something reminiscent of despair.

Sirius crosses his arms again. "In what universe are you and I chummy enough to ask each other for help? Because I must've died and came back to life if it's this one," he huffs and looks around theatrically, feigning disbelief.

"In no universe," I draw in a steady breath of the cool, dry air. "Thats how you know how... important this is, Sirius. You know I don't want to be doing this,"

"Well why are you? Why are you torturing us? I feel like you and I have had our fair share of each other,"

"Because," My heart races, it's thundering beats echoing in my ears, each pulse a reminder of the anxious torrent that's been coursing through my veins since Regulus went missing. My toes curl in my shoes. "Your brother is missing,"

Sirius shifts his weight from foot to foot. An emotion I can't make out flashes across his face only for a millisecond. "So?"

"So?" my brows tip up.


Face contorting in confusion, "That doesn't worry you in the slightest Sirius?"

"Have you asked his friends?"

I let out a wry chuckle. "You know they won't help me. Besides, I've tried...and the one I did talk to was less than fourth coming with information, "

"Not surprising," he says, shaking his head. "Bloody cunts, the lot of them,"

The space between us fills with more tension, if possible. I dare to take a step closer, almost closing the gap between us. Light from the wall-mounted torch flickers across his stony face; hauntingly mesmerizing. "This is my fault, Sirius. The least I can do is save his life," I say quietly and exasperated.

A smirk twitches on the edge of his lips. "Don't be dramatic, my brother isn't going to die. He's very capable of handling whatever cruel and unusual punishments my parents come up with, or even you know who." he mutters.

"I know Regulus can handle them," I admit, shaking my head. "It's just...can he handle himself? If I know him—and, I think I do...he is going to kill himself."

"What do you want me to do? I hardly know him anymore," his face his serious now.

"You can get people to talk, you can show me where he liked to run and hide as a child, you can help me find him!" I look at my feet sheepishly, I hadn't meant to get loud.

"You never go away," Sirius whispers.

"I'm sorry. Neither do you,"

We stand in the silence for what seems like centuries. Our eyes meet with a swirl of mutual hurt and loss; we both know we are bonded in all the sickest ways.

Help me.

Help me.

Help me.

"I'll start threatening some Slytherin's, in the meantime you pack a bag." Sirius runs a hand through his hair and looks up at the ceiling. "We'll leave tomorrow morning to start looking, maybe even late tonight if we can,"

I can't help myself, my feet drag me forward, arms outstretched. I'm hugging him and he holds his arms above his head. "Thank you, thank you, thank you—"

"Get—off—" He grunts, hands on my shoulders as he pushes me away. "Let's get one thing straight, alright Cordelia?" I nod and he says, "We are not doing this for each other; this is for Regulus,"

I scoff, "That much was already clear."

"Well good,"

"Yeah, great,"



"Shut up and go pack your bags,"


'where we are now' remus lupin & regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now