Chapter 7

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THE REMAINING STRETCH of our journey to Maridal Village unfolded uneventfully. If I were to venture a guess at the season, it would likely be the dawning of summer. The air carried a gentle warmth, yet the wind caressed our skin with a refreshing coolness, making it a pleasant day to traverse the vast plain. With each passing hour, the minuscule specks on the distant horizon gradually morphed into the contours of a village nestled amidst the farmers' fields. And just north of the settlement, a sprawling white edifice loomed, commanding attention.

"Behold, Maridal Village!" exclaimed Lana, her voice filled with anticipation. "See yonder? That grand structure is none other than Adamant Fortress, the hallowed abode of the Knightly Order of Adamant."

"It appears we shall have the luxury of breaking our fast at the inn," Petr chimed in. "Ah, how I've always relished the comforts of the Lordly Spoon."

As my companions grew accustomed to my perpetual state of ignorance, they had taken to elucidating matters before my inquisitive mind could even voice its curiosity. Nevertheless, the name "Lordly Spoon" struck me as an oddly whimsical choice for an inn. What peculiar nomenclature, I mused to myself.

Maridal Village exceeded my initial expectations in terms of size. Most of the structures congregated along the main thoroughfare, their presence punctuated by a wooden palisade encircling the perimeter. A smattering of watchtowers adorned strategic points along the walls, standing as silent sentinels against potential threats.

Curiously, however, the village gate had been left wide open, and the number of guards present seemed disproportionately sparse. Recognizing that a floating statue and a bag with mysterious properties would undoubtedly attract unwanted attention, we opted to conceal Karyon's statue and Lana's enigmatic bag amidst a cluster of bushes outside the village.

As we made our way through the gate, a watchman hailed us, his voice carrying across the distance.

"Petre! Is that Miss Lana I spy in your company? So, you managed to liberate her from the clutches of those bandits, did you?"THE REMAINING STRETCH of our journey to Maridal Village unfolded uneventfully. If I were to venture a guess at the season, it would likely be the dawning of summer. The air carried a gentle warmth, yet the wind caressed our skin with a refreshing coolness, making it a pleasant day to traverse the vast plain. With each passing hour, the minuscule specks on the distant horizon gradually morphed into the contours of a village nestled amidst the farmers' fields. And just north of the settlement, a sprawling white edifice loomed, commanding attention.

"Behold, Maridal Village!" exclaimed Lana, her voice filled with anticipation. "See yonder? That grand structure is none other than Adamant Fortress, the hallowed abode of the Knightly Order of Adamant."

"It appears we shall have the luxury of breaking our fast at the inn," Petr chimed in. "Ah, how I've always relished the comforts of the Lordly Spoon."

As my companions grew accustomed to my perpetual state of ignorance, they had taken to elucidating matters before my inquisitive mind could even voice its curiosity. Nevertheless, the name "Lordly Spoon" struck me as an oddly whimsical choice for an inn. What peculiar nomenclature, I mused to myself.

Maridal Village exceeded my initial expectations in terms of size. Most of the structures congregated along the main thoroughfare, their presence punctuated by a wooden palisade encircling the perimeter. A smattering of watchtowers adorned strategic points along the walls, standing as silent sentinels against potential threats.

Curiously, however, the village gate had been left wide open, and the number of guards present seemed disproportionately sparse. Recognizing that a floating statue and a bag with mysterious properties would undoubtedly attract unwanted attention, we opted to conceal Karyon's statue and Lana's enigmatic bag amidst a cluster of bushes outside the village.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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