Chapter 81 - 90

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এChapter 81

    Compared to its original desolation, the current residence is like an oasis of 127 stars—literally an oasis.

    The new natural crops were initially researched on star 127. Although the overall growth of the environment is not as good as star 3222, the rows of trees with fruit hanging under the growth liquid are still very gratifying. Inwardly rise up.

    There are also mutant cacti, one after another, bringing full vitality.

    "Did it change a lot?" Seeing Jiang Ning stop to watch, Fu Sheng asked.

    "Yes," Jiang Ning nodded. When she left that day, star 127 was bare except for the planting in the activity center. I didn't expect to see you again at this time. It was a completely different scene, and the entire resident was full of greenery.

    "The insect emperor passed away, and the frontier defense is much easier than before. Many soldiers spontaneously participated in the planting in their free time, and this is the reason for the current scale." Previously, planting

    was the work of the planters. How could other people have come into contact with it? Pass. Now whether it is out of curiosity,? or other,? are actively trying one by one.

    Even the planters who stayed at the station were not idle. Ever since they learned that the radiation concentration has an impact on perception, even if this guess is not yet conclusive, they have started to plant mutated cacti frantically.

    Different new natural crops can be planted by ordinary people. Although mutated cacti are not limited to the soil, they still need the sensory stimulation of the planter. However, thanks to the hard work of several growers day and night, the yield of the mutated cactus is still very optimistic.

    Can't help it? Jiang Ning thought of the 16th channel about the sales of mutated cactus. Although clever independent growers saw this business opportunity early on, and the planting associations followed suit, it did not affect the dominance of the 16th Branch Road in this area at all.

    "Now we don't need to spend huge sums of money to stock up on natural fruits and vegetables. After a while, we may be able to meet our own needs with these new natural crops alone." After clearing up his mood, Jia Jincheng leaned over and said excitedly.

    Although the taste of the new natural crops is worse, and the effect of resisting radiation is also slightly worse, but free is really delicious, not to mention how much trouble is saved in the process, and there is no need to worry about insufficient supply.

    "Really? That's great, congratulations," Jiang Ning was sincerely happy. This is the original intention of her research on new natural crops.

    "You brought all of this, thank you," Fu Sheng took the words suddenly and cautiously.

    The more he understands Jiang Ning's growth environment, the more Fu Sheng respects his quality - he is in another position, facing such a huge benefit, he is not sure that he can be like Jiang Ning.

    "I have a few friends in Imperial Star, all of whom are on good terms. I would like to ask you to give me some greetings. If you encounter any problems and need help, you can also find them. They are all worthy of friendship." Zheng Zheng didn't know how to respond to

    Fu Sheng thanked him suddenly, and when he heard the next sentence, Jiang Ning heaved a sigh of relief, "Thank you, don't worry, I will speak up if necessary." It was

    said to be a greeting, but it was actually an introduction of contacts. Although with Jiang Ning's current fame, he can generally integrate into any circle he really wants to blend in, but it still saves a lot of detours if someone leads the way.

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