Chapter 12

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"In the words of Eli's hero, Steve Jobs, 'I've got one more thing.' Have any of you heard of sleep enuresis?," Demetri continued, Ella's heart fell as she choked on her drink, knowing exactly what Demetri was talking about. "That is the medical term, of course. In the King's English, it's good old-fashioned bed-wetting." The crowd began laughing hysterically and Ella hid her face, feeling incredibly bad for Hawk.

"And Eli here is a pro. My mom even had a special air mattress for sleepovers. And she called it... 'Eli's Waterbed.'" The crowd laughed again and Hawk began to storm over after shouting a threat towards Demetri, but before he could get to him Chris stood in front of him, soon to be joined by Robby. Cop sirens wailed outside and Ella jumped up in a panic, beginning to talk gibberish as the crowd began to disperse, all running in different directions out of Moon's house.

Ella followed Robby, both of them finding Sam and it was clear Sam had way too much to drink, Ella was also a bit tipsy and not fully sober yet. Both of the girls knew that their parents would freak if they saw them like that.


A short while later the trio arrived at the apartment complex Robby's dad lived in, Ella was rambling about something random until they got to the door and a wave of exhaustion hit her.

"I need a nap," the blonde complained as she ran her hands through her hair, the door opened and Johnny stood there with a surprised look on his face. Unsure of how to react to the fact that Robby is currently standing at his door with two girls who will most likely be having a serious hangover soon.

Ella crashed on the couch, grateful to finally be able to get some sleep, forgetting about the fact that her parents would be looking for her if she and Sam didn't get home on time.


Ella woke up to the sound of knocking at the door, she groaned in annoyance as she sat up, half awake as she picked up her shoe and threw it at the door before lying back down on the couch. Not realizing it was her dad knocking on Johnny's door.

Seconds later Ella was wide awake when she heard the door being kicked up, she jumped to her feet and saw her dad at the door. Her eyes widened before she ran into the room Sam was in, shaking her awake.

"Up your ass, Sam!," Ella hissed, Sam woke up, lifting her head when she heard Daniel's voice. Robby shut the door in hopes of keeping them from seeing the two adults fight.

Ella jumped when she heard the TV crash, her heart racing as she paced around the small room. Trying to compose herself, but it was hard, especially because of how close the fight was to them. But after a few seconds the three teenagers had enough and went out, breaking the fight up.

Daniel turned to the twins, the worry on his face was evident as he made sure the girls were okay. After that he began to ask why neither of them called or texted them about what had happened but Robby intervened.

"Mr. LaRusso, it was my fault. I brought them here," Robby defended.

"Wait, don't even start. I gave you a second chance. This whole thing was a mistake. You know, you wanna end up like him, that's up to you," Daniel said, beginning to lead the twins out of the apartment. "Come on Sam, Ella."


It was the first day of school, another new year, another fresh start. Or at least that was what Ella was hoping for. Ella climbed out of the car, she had her earbuds in as music played faintly. She was still upset about what had happened in Johnny's apartment.

She walked into her class, taking an empty seat next to Moon. The two smiled at each other and announcements began.

"Good morning students and faculty. Welcome to a brand-new year at West-Valley High," the principal said through the intercom, "I hope you all had an amazing summer and are ready to dive back into the school year." Ella wasn't paying that much attention to the announcements as she checked her new schedule.

"What do you have in period two?," Moon whispered.

"Drama, you?," Ella whispered back.

"Chemistry," Moon replied, both girls slightly jumped when chaos sounded over the intercom. "You're not supposed to be in here! No! No! Give that back." Ella and Moon exchanged confused glances as the feedback squealed, piercing the ears of the students who were right by the intercom.

"Samantha LaRusso," Tory's voice said through the intercom and Ella's blood ran cold, "You know what you did, and now you're gonna pay for it. I'm coming for you, bitch!"

"Shit," Ella whispered, the bell rang and the blonde rushed outside, catching sight of Sam and she ran after her sister.

Little did she know that this day would change her life forever...


School fight scene is coming soon...

I cannot stress this enough but I seriously love Moon and Ella.

Word Count: 852

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