Chapter 5

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Sam, Robby and Ella were at the Miyagi-Do dojo again the next day, Robby and Ella trying to suggest newer ways to promote the dojo. An idea suddenly popped into Ella's head when she looked at Chaos, who was napping on one of the decks.

"What if we put Chaos in a vest that promotes Miyagi-Do and take him for walks in it? We can also post a picture of all of us with him in the vest and post it on Instagram?," Ella suggested.

"Chaos ate his 'Free Hugs' vest last night. I mean he literally ate it," Sam recalled.

"You know what the problem is?," Robby asked, looking at the twins. "Miyagi-Do's all about defense."

"Defense wins championships," Ella said, stretching in order to make sure she was warmed up for the lesson that day.

"Yeah, but people show up for the offense. That's why Cobra Kai's so popular," Robby continued, "All right? We need to show them that we can fight too."

"So what exactly are we supposed to do? Go to the mall and pick a fight? Record us defending ourselves?," Sam asked.

"It's not the worst idea."

Ella scoffed, laying on her back as she stared at the sky, "It's a terrible idea." She sighed, watching the clouds, bored.

Soon Sam came back from talking with Daniel, telling Ella and Robby to come out to the front since they were going for a drive. Ella nodded and got up, clipping a leash onto Chaos's collar before walking with Sam and Robby to the front, taking her seat in the back while Chaos rode shotgun.


After a while of driving, Voulez-Vouz by ABBA started playing over the radio and Ella couldn't help but quietly begin to sing along. Tapping her fingers on the side of the car to the beat. They arrived at the country club, the plan was for Daniel to promote Miyagi-Do to the parents there and hope for the best.

Once the car came to a stop Ella grabbed Chaos's leash and climbed out of the car along with Sam, Robby and Daniel. She was ahead of Robby and Sam, she could hear them talking but didn't pay attention to what they were saying.


Once they were inside Ella ended up falling asleep while sun-bathing, Chaos was lying next to the beach chair Ella was sleeping on. But she woke up after a few minutes and began to listen and take part in the conversation Sam and Robby were having. It was about Aisha, she was there with another girl Ella didn't recognise.

"I say go talk to her," Ella said.

"Worst case, if a fight breaks out we could record it," Robby chimed, all three of them smiled at each other.

"Who knows, maybe I'll come back with a new Miyagi-Do student." Sam got up, leaving Ella and Robby alone together, the two mostly sat in silence. Just enjoying each other's company. After a few minutes Ella decided to jump into the water for a swim, she tied her hair into a loose ponytail and dove into the water, swimming to the surface and wiping the water from her eyes, smiling to herself.

After a while it was time to go, Ella had dried off almost completely, though her hair was still damp. She listened to Sam talking about how her talk with Aisha didn't go as well as she had hoped. Amanda walked over to the trio, searching through her bag.

"Hey, have any of you seen my wallet?"



I will update as soon as I get home from school.

Word Count: 592 

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