Chapter 4

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Ella was sitting outside, watching Sam and Robby spar as she waited for her turn. When Daniel walked outside Ella took that as her cue and switched places with Sam, beginning to spar with Robby. She suddenly heard Chaos bark in greeting, all three students turned to see two newer kids standing in front of Daniel. Ella began to feel her hopes rising, thinking that Miyagi-Do has two new students.

"You guys ready to get started?," Daniel asked them as Sam, Robby and Ella walked over to get a better listen to what was going on. The two boys nodded. "Good. I have a couple of cans of paint upfront. The fence back here could use a fresh coat. Robby will show you." The two unfamiliar boys exchanged looks before looking back at Daniel.

"You want us to paint your fence?," one of them asked.

"Keep an open mind, guys. It'll all make sense later," Robby chuckled.

"In order to fully learn Miyagi-Do Karate, you have to unlearn the misconceptions about what constitutes training," Daniel told them.

"I knew this was bullshit," the second one commented, "This was all just some scam to get kids to do your yard work, huh?"

"No, no, no. This is part of the process," Daniel pressed.

"Yeah. The process. My mom was right. With car salesmen you always gotta read the fine print," the first boy told his friend.

"I'm not trying to sell you anything. I'm trying to teach you karate," Daniel argued.

"Come on, let's go check out that place with the snake." And with that, the two boys walked off and Daniel turned to his three students behind him. Ella sighed, looking down slightly before exchanging looks with her friend and sister.


That night Ella was at Valley Fest with Robby and Sam, preparing for the demo they were going to do on the stage. Chaos tagged along as well, he laid quietly next to Daniel and Amanda's booth, his leash tied to the one of the gazebo poles. He wore a vest that said "Free Hugs" on it.

"How you feeling?," Daniel asked the teens as he walked over to them, they stopped practicing to look at him.

"It's short notice but I think we got it," Ella said, her voice was full of energy and Daniel sighed, knowing she must have bought an energy drink.

"I was thinking for the finale I could do some kinda flip kick," Sam suggested.

"Nah, don't worry about the finale. I got it covered," Daniel reassured. Robby gestured to a wooden stack, asking what it was. Daniel just pulled out a large, thick slab of nice, telling them to wait and see.


Night soon fell and it was time for the demonstration. Ella took a deep breath as everyone arrived at the booth where she, Sam, Robby and her dad would be doing the demonstration. Once everyone had quieted down the four began their demonstration. After a few minutes of performing Daniel announced that it was time for the finale. Ella whistled a signal and Chaos trotted onto stage, pulling the wooden rack that held the 6 ice slabs. Once it was center stage Ella detached the dogs harness from the rack and the two walked offstage.

But just as Ella and Chaos walked off the sound system powered down along with the lights. Everyone looked around in confusion, especially Ella, Sam and Robby. There wasn't any cue to turn anything down. Not even a moment after, all of the Cobra Kai students jogged onto the main stage, all chanting 'Cobra Kai' over and over again. The audience followed them, all cheering.

All of the Cobras walked in and also began a demonstration, sparring, breaking wooden boards, shooting Cobra Kai merch out of a cannon all the while loud music blasted through the speakers. Ella was trying really hard to resist covering her ears, it was too loud. Sam seemed to take notice of that and put a hand on her shoulder, in hopes of comforting her sister.

The finale ended with Johnny punching a few bricks that were lit on fire, the crowd began to chant 'Cobra Kai' and Ela plugged her ears. She was doing fine the entire day, but now it was becoming too much for her. Ella, Sam and their parents along with Robby all just went home, Daniel was incredibly upset and disappointed and Ella was overwhelmed by the sounds and noises.

The car ride home was silent, no one said a word.

Not even the radio was on.


Omg, I had a mass/prayer service at school today and I slept through half of it lmao. (I'm an atheist in a Catholic school).

Hope you all enjoyed this and have a wonderful day/night 🙂

Word Count: 781 

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