Chapter 2

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It was the next day, Sam and Ella jumped out of the car along with Chaos. Ella was practically bouncing off the walls because Sam had made the fatal mistake of buying her an energy drink. Now she was talking her head off.

"And basically, Orcas are matriarchal species so that means they have one single old female Orca leading the pod and helping teach the other Orca calves while the mothers take a break," Ella rambled, talking so fast that Sam could barely understand a word that was coming out of her sisters mouth. She just smiled and nodded, doing her best to make out the words.

Ella walked ahead of Sam and into the yard, she saw Robby using the punching bag and she took off Chaos's leash. The large dog ran straight for the pond and sat in the shallow end of the water. She laughed as Sam soon came outside as well, hanging up on whoever she was talking to.

"Hey, guys," Daniel greeted, walking in from out back. "All right, perfect attendance on day one."

"Sam bought me an energy drink."

"So, what's our first lesson?," Sam asked.

"You'll see. Follow me," Daniel spoke before he turned to Ella, "And no more energy drinks for you." The three teenagers followed Daniel to the front of the house where he opened a bag of white sand and created a large circle with said sand.

"It's been a long time since this dojo has had more than one student, and you figure with three people, you triple the defense, right?," Daniel explained, Ella shrugged, giving a slight nod as she exchanged looks with Robby and Sam. "Wrong. One of the cornerstones of Miyagi-Do karate is always moving in a circle. And with the wheel technique, you'll soon see that three people can be as strong as 30. Now, are you ready?"

"Yes, Mr. LaRusso."

"Let's do this."

"I'm in."

Daniel instructed the three kids to get into the circle and they obliged, after listening to Daniel's instructions the three began to do the movements. All three of them seemed to be focused and doing well, making sure they were all in sync with their movements, one right after the other.

After a while Daniel told them to do the wheel and they did, but it didn't work out as none of them were in sync for that one. "No, no. The three of you have to be perfectly in sync otherwise this technique isn't going to work."

"'Technique'? This feels more like I dance," Robby said as they faced Daniel.

"I would've gone with a backstage pre-show ritual, but yours works too," Ella chimed.

"Guys, trust me. The three of you master this, no one's gonna mess with you," Daniel told them, sighing a little bit. "Let's try it again."

The three teens did as they were told and returned to their places in the circle, trying the wheel technique thing again. They ended up making the same mistake and not being in sync when they turned their backs to each other to do the rest of the movements. Daniel stopped them and repeated that they needed to do it at the same time.

"How are we supposed to do it when we can't see each other?," Robby questioned.

"You need to sense what your partner or partners are doing, even if you can't see them," Daniel explained and Ella, Sam and Robby looked at each other.

"And how exactly are we supposed to do that?," Ella questioned. Daniel's phone buzzed and he checked it.

"Shoot. I have to go help your mom with something. Keep practicing. Just... feel it, all right? I'll be back as soon as I can," Daniel said as he walked away, the teens sighed and walked back into the circle, restarting what they had been doing for the past hour.

Chaos sat in the shade, watching the three in amusement as he wagged his tail before beginning to roll in the dirt.


The next morning Ella, Robby and Sam walked into the garden, Chaos was already there, taking a nap on one of the decks while Daniel moved the last pot plant off of the board in the pond.

"Dad?," Ella questioned as her, Sam and Robby approached the pond. "Dad, what're you doing?"

"Mr. Miyagi built this a few years before he died," Daniel began, getting up as he dusted off his hands. "He said it was a monument to balance. But today, it's not gonna balance bonsais. It's gonna help you three learn the wheel technique. Hop in." Ella looked at the water and then back at her dad before she looked at the water again and looked back at Daniel.

"You actually want us to get in there?," the twin questioned in unison.

"Yeah." The three teenagers exchanged looks before they looked back at Daniel.

"You could've told us to bring our swimsuits."

"Come on. A little water never hurt anybody." The three teenagers sighed a bit before they took off their shoes. Ella tossed her phone under a tree to make sure it didn't get wet before she slowly climbed into the pond. The second she got into the water a chill ran up her spine and her body tensed as she gasped.

"The water is fucking freezing!," she yelped, looking around at Robby and Sam, both seemed to be having the exact same thoughts.

The three slowly made their way to the circle board in the middle of the pond, each taking a random side. Robby pushed down on it to climb on but it tipped to the side, sinking a little bit.

"If we can't do this on the ground, how are we supposed to do it on this?," Robby questioned as he looked at Daniel.

"On the ground, it's hard to sense when your partners are moving. On that deck, trust me, you're going to feel it right away," Daniel explained, "No get on." Ella, Robby and Sam slowly climbed onto the deck, Ella almost fell off the second it moved. The three of them slowly, shakily stood up, holding their arms out to the side to catch their balance.

"Take your starting positions." The three of them did as they were told and took their fighting positions before they slowly began the actions as the deck moved and swayed beneath their feet. After a few seconds Robby slipped and fell off the deck, followed by Sam and Ella.

They then got back up to try again.


Happy Pride Month!

Word Count: 1064

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