Chapter 11

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Ella ran across the beach, chasing after Chaos, who had gotten off his leash. The blonde called after him and he turned around, running back with a wagging tail as Ella panted, picking up the wet dog's leash. The large dog shook himself off, spraying Ella with the mud and sand that covered his fur.

Later that day Ella gave Chaos a bath, one of the most difficult jobs ever. Once she had finished bathing the large dog he ran into the garden to sulk while she went and sat in the kitchen, looking exhausted. Her hair and clothes had been soaked since Chaos thought it would be funny to pull her into the bath with him. The teenager turned around when she heard Robby and Sam walk inside, giving them a happy smile as water dripped down her face.

"What happened to you?," Sam questioned.

"I gave Chaos a bath," Ella replied, laughing a bit as she shook her head.

"Yeah, that checks out," Robby chuckled as he and Sam made their way to the living room. But his smile faded quickly and he stopped in his tracks.

"Mom?," the boy said and Ella jumped out of her seat, rushing over to see what was going on. She walked into the living room to see her parents with an unfamiliar woman. Ella realized that must be Robby's mom.


A few more hours later Ella was lying in her bed as she stared at the ceiling, not thinking of anything, she lifted her head when she heard Sam knock at the door.

"Hey, Moon's hosting a party, the whole of Miyagi-Do is in, you wanna come?," Sam asked and Ella sat up, nodding with a smile as she got to her feet as Sam smiled back and left, allowing Ella to get ready before they left for the party.


Sam, Ella, Robby and the rest of Miyagi-Do arrived at the party, Ella had thought it would be best to leave Chaos at home this time. When the group walked into the house they were immediately met with a couple of drunk kids, or kids who were getting drunk. Everyone stopped dead in their tracks when they saw that some of the Cobra Kai kids were there too, everyone glared at one another except for Ella, she couldn't bring herself to hate them. Some of them used to be her friends, and she didn't have the heart to hate them. Miguel and Tory walked right into the middle, their smiles fading when they saw the Miyagi-Do group, Ella pursed her lips, sighing as she looked around, avoiding their gaze.

The blonde's demeanor changed when she saw Moon, a smile crossed her face as she hugged her, Moon hugged her back as she returned the smile.

"Moon, you never said anything about inviting Cobra Kai," Sam said to Moon after Ella pulled out of the hug.

"Well, I figured with summer ending and school starting back up, we could stop all the fighting and be friends again," Moon explained.

"That would be nice," Ella agreed, her tone was hopeful. After a few more minutes of talking, Moon walked away and Ella went outside to see what was going on.

It was a drinking game, you had to stand on one foot on top of a stool and chug a cup of alcohol. First to fall off the chair loses. From what Ella could tell, Tory was the one who was winning. She thought it would be fun to give it a try. The blonde walked over and turned the stool upright, climbing onto it and out of the corner of her eye she saw Robby and Sam walk outside, their eyes widened slightly when they saw what she was doing.

"You gonna give it a try, princess?," Tory asked as she smiled a bit, gesturing for one of the partygoers to hand Ella a cup.

"Yeah, and my name is Ella, in case I didn't tell you before," Ella replied before she looked at her sibling, who seemed worried but before Sam could say anything Ella was handed a cup of alcohol. Miguel gave the signal and both of the girls lifted one of their legs and began to chug the liquid. Ella resisted the urge to cough as she had never had alcohol before. The crowd began to chant 'drink' over and over again as the music continued to play in the background. Tory was the first one to finish her drink and Ella followed about a second or two later.

After a few more cups Ella tumbled off the stool, her back hit the concrete before she was helped up by Sam and Robby. It was after Ella's fall when Sam was the one who challenged Tory. Robby made sure Ella was in a safe spot in the house before he went back with Sam. Ella sat with Demetri who was talking to Hawk, the blonde kept on singing 100 Bottles Of Juice On The Wall on repeat, clearly having a bit too much to drink for the night as both boys kept an eye on her, making sure she was still safe and not getting anymore drinks other than water as they talked. But their talk didn't last long as Hawk poured his drink on Demetri's head and walked away.


Ella was in the middle of a conversation with Chri and a few other friends. She was sitting on the couch upside down with her legs resting on the headboard of the couch. The blonde stole Chris's drink as she laughed, drinking it, she knew very well that she probably had had a little too much to drink that night. But it would be just this once. The microphone feedback squealed, catching everybody's attention and they turned to see Demetri on the stage.

"I'd like to make a toast," Demetri began, "To Eli Moskowitz." Many people murmured in confusion. Not realizing that Hawk and Eli were the same person.

"Some of you might know him as Hawk," Demetri continued, "But, underneath that crazy clown cosplay and whatever type of Manic Panic he dumps in his hair, he's still good old Eli. Mine and Ella's binary brother. Well, he was our binary brother. You know what he is now? A real zero."

"All right, that's enough, Demetri," Hawk called out.

"Don't let that angry red hairdo fool you," Demetri said, not stopping. "He's a big softie. The three of us watched every Harry Potter movie together. And he bawled like a baby when Dobby died. And when Ella forced us to watch Criminal Minds with her, he also bawled when the Reaper killed Haley." Demetri made a fake pouty face and Ella cringed, not liking where Demetri was going with this as all the partygoers laughed.


The school fight scene is getting closer and closer no matter how fast we run from it...

Word Count: 1142 

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