Part 2

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"Come on! We don't have time for your slow ass! The fitting is today!" Kay pushes me down the stairs rushing me into the car.

"I don't understand why I even had to get a custom suit." I sighed.

"You didn't get to have the perfect birthday.. in fact you had the worst birthday and I just..." she trails of.

"... I just wanted to make it up to you." I pull her into a hug. "I know everyone else thinks you're ok, but I know you and I know you are anything but ok." She squeezes me tighter.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think anyone really noticed except Eli." She pulls away and hits my shoulder.

"Of course I noticed! You're my best friend, practically my baby brother!" I smile at her for a moment before she kisses me on the head. Then we proceed with the car ride.

*You guys are so dramatic* Ian says

It has been three weeks since the incadent and i haven't talked to my mother since. I am not going to lie, my mother has tried to talk to me but I'm just not ready. I know as soon as I talk to her she's going to say how sorry she is and how she wants to start over. I would take her up on that offer with out a second thought it's just... I know as soon as my father gets out she will be right beside him again. I don't think I could handle fixing things with my mother and then it all blow up in my face.

"We're here!" Kay screams pulling me out of my dulling thoughts. We get out of the car and rush into the tailor shop.


After we left the shop I get a call from Elijah. "Hey Blueberry!" I blush at his words.

"Hi..." I say sheepishly. Kay starts to laugh. I glare at her.

"W-what did you call me for?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to hear your voice." I can just see his smirk right now.

"If you don't tell me you're sleeping on the floor for a week." I blush harder knowing I couldn't go through with it.

"Ok ok. No need to threaten such a vile thing. I just wanted to ask you what type of icing do you prefer, cream cheese or butter cream?"

I think for a few seconds before Ian screams at me. *CREAM CHEESE, JUST PICK THAT ONE.* I jumped a little.

(You didn't have to yell at me...) Ian shakes his head.

*You always take so long to pick something! We were literally in that shop for over 2 hours* Ian cuts me off again.

"It's not my fault so many colors suited me well..." I whispered to myself.

"What?" Elijah questioned.

"No, nothing I was just... talking to my wolf." I said, a little embarrassed.

"Oh, ok. Do you know which one you want?" I nod my head. "Yep I do I wa-

Before I can finish my sentence a car comes crashing into my side. "AARON!" Kay calls out. I look over to her and she looks fine, just spinning. She's spinning.

"AARON! KAY! ARE YOU GUYS OK?" I hear through my phone. It slipped out of my hand. I can't find it.

Instead of trying to find it while the car is flipping I start to talk prying he hears me. "C-car..." What am I supposed to be saying again?

*Aa.... you....h......aar...*

(I can't hear you!)

"Aaron, oh my god! Please stay awake, don't fall asleep! Just keep your eyes open." It hurts so bad. I try to grab onto my stomach but instead I stab a bar through my hand. I screamed. There was something sticking out of my abdomen.

The car finally stopped moving; we're upside down now and Kay keeps tugging on her seatbelt. I stare at her panicking. Her long hair is tangled everywhere she's covered in coffee and so am I, but other than that she's fine. I start to smell smoke as I began to cough blood up. The blood keeps gushing and splashing on my eyes and dripping into my hair.

"A.... can you........ hel..... E....." I'm not sure who's speaking right now. *Y......Aaron.......c.....*

(I can't hear you!) I shout in my head. I feel Ian drifting away and I start to whine.

(Ian? Ian, where are you?)


(Ian! Please!) I continue to call out for Ian until I finally pass out.


When I got there Kay and another had already gotten Aaron out of the car. He had a pole like thing stuck in his abdomen as well as in his hand. Anger and worry filled my body causing Ash to come out. Not most people can be in control of their body with their wolf. It has something to do with my eyes; nothing serious, no one is chasing after me or something, this trait isn't very useful to anyone but myself.

I rush over and pick him up in a way that won't tug on the bar that's sticking out of him. I lay him down on his side by my car. I look back to check if they followed me and thankfully they did because seconds after the car exploded.

"I'll call an ambulance." The man says.

"No, no it's fine ones already here." I shout as my dad pulls up.

He jumps out of the car with two others and they all start rushing to us. We move out of the way, me and Ash more reluctant than the others.

*WHO THE FUCK WOULD DO THIS* I look over at the burning car.

"Did you crash into them?!?!" I question the man next to me.

"N-no. I just saw them flipping while I was driving by so I came to help." I stare at him for a moment longer.

"Fine." I am not sure if I should believe him. I hear Aaron whimpering so I shove the two nurses so I'm in between them. I start to rub his forehead in turn, whipping the blood off him as well.

"Back away Eli." My father tells me. I growl at him.

"I'm not playing Eli, he will die if I can't get him back fast enough so move!" I whimper as Ash and I force ourselves to move out of the way so they can take him away.

As they leave I get into my car and it's like it finally hit me. My mate might die again. I start to cry.  I can't do anything to stop the tears. More and more keep coming. All I can think about now is the pole through his stomach and how I can do nothing about it. I'm worthless, he always gets hurt and I can never stop it from happening.

It's all my fault.

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