Part 2

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It's been two weeks since it happened and everything has been going smoothly. Well.. everything but the fact that we still don't know who did it. We crossed our t's and dotted our i's but we couldn't find anything. It's like who ever did it doesn't seem to even exist.

As I stare at my sleeping mate there is a knock on the door. I get up, put on my pants and open the door. "Hi" Aaron's mother is standing at the door. She has two photo albums it seems in her hands. She has on a baggy shirt that says 'Claw Academy 2005-2009' in big white letters to complement the bags under her eyes.

"Hi Luna, what do you need." I give her a gentle smile.

"Umm.. sorry I was wondering if Aaron is awake?" She looks at me with hopeful eyes. I Shake my head.

"No, I'm sorry he's sleeping." She nods her head in disappointment then begins to walk away.

(I feel bad)

~Well of course you do. The women has been like that since her mate was locked up by the Council.~

After the whole thing that happened with Aaron and his dad Alpha Nick had no choice but to inform the council. They were not too happy about it. The Council does not stand for any type of abuse of pack members. Even though it is hard to keep track of what packs do behind closed doors, many packs have been deemed rogue because of things like this.

Aaron's dad was sentenced to 6 years in the Council Prison and he can not go back to his pack under any circumstances. The beta of Aaron's pack has taken control since everything but the council has sent someone to oversee everything and to make sure their pack doesn't go back to their old ways.

"Wait." I say to the former Luna before she gets to the stairs. She turns around and looks at me with curiosity. "Umm... maybe... maybe I can help you?" I ask. She smiles and nods her head.

"Yes, that would be great." I smile back.

"Ok just let me take a shower and I'll be down in a second."

She nods her head again and heads down the stairs with a pep in her step. I go back into the room and close the door quickly.

"Eli...?" Aaron calls for me as he rubs his eyes with his sleeve.

~So cute!~ Ash coos.

"I'm right here, my blueberry." I go back to the bed and kiss his forehead. He wraps his arms around my neck and looks up at me as he yawns.

"Where were you?" He asked. I pull him onto my lap and place my head on his chest.

"I was talking to your mom." I say. He grabs my face and lifts it to his.

"Why? What did she want?" He said confused.

"She wanted to do something with you but I said that I would do it."

"Are you sure? You don't have to if you don't want to, she wanted to talk to me anyway." I shake my head.

"No, you go back to sleep." I kiss his lips pulling him closer to me.


"So what do you need, Luna?" I asked Aaron's mom as I walk into the library. I had spent the last 30 minutes looking for her because my dumbass didn't ask her where she was going.

"Hi Elijah." She looks over at me with a smile, still with those two photo albums in her hands. "Let's go sit by the window." I nod my head and begin to walk with her.

We sit on the couch facing the few of the back yard. "How are you?" The Luna asked me.

"Other than what happened last week I'm great. I honestly didn't think I'd ever find my mate." I smile to myself remembering my 18th birthday.

"Yeah... finding your mate is a very exciting thing... isn't it." She turns her head to the window.

~Why the fuck would you bring that up! You're making a bad impression of us not even three minutes into the conversation.~ I roll my eyes at Ash. (No Im not)

"I'm sorry I really shouldn't have-

She cuts me off. "No, it's fine sweetheart, no need to feel bad. Besides I'm glad to hear that you are happy to have found my son. He needs you." I nod my head.

"And I need him." We both smile softly at each other.

"So, what did you need?" I ask. She looks down at the photo albums on her lap and pats them gently.

"I wanted to go through these with my son but when you asked I thought that it would be more fun to show you all the embarrassing pictures." She sat one of them on the small table in front of us and the other in my lap.

I trace my fingers over the title, 'My Angel's Baby Pictures', and open the photo album. The first photo that I lay my eyes on is one of Aaron in an incubator. He looked sound asleep.

"He's so cute." I smile.

"Yeah he was the cutest little thing, he had been born a month before he was due. I remember that day... We had been talking about what to name them." I look at her confused.

"Them?" I asked. She nods her head.

"Yep, we thought we were having twins because of the mix of omega and alpha energy. Even though our pack doctor was absolutely positive that there was only Aaron, we refused to believe it. Aaron's condition is quite rare after all." We go through a few more pictures; she tells me the story behind each one, giving me a new piece of my mate each time.

"What happened in this one?" I say while laughing.

Aaron was standing beside Kai and they both had what seemed to be some type of batter all over them. Kai had a scowl on his face and Aaron was scratching his head trying not to make eye contact. "That was when he first started to bake. He turned the mixer to full power and that happened. I don't think Kai ever helped him with baking again." She giggles. We finish all the photos so I reach for the next one when Alpha Nick walks in.

"Yes, Alpha Nick?" We both look over to him as he sits down on one of the chairs a few feet away from us.

"I'm sorry to disturb you two but I need to speak with Luna Winter in private if that's ok." I nod my head and get up to leave but not before turning back to the Luna.

"Thank you for telling me those stories." She gets up and hugs me.

"No thank you.. I haven't smiled in a while and I'm glad I got to spend time with my new son." I blush and hug her back.

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