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Rhea and Dom had to take off while Rhea was pregnant dom kissed her stomach rubbing her stomach softly as Buddy and Alexis came over happily " how's my pregnant girl " she teased hugging Rhea who laughed rolling her eyes before she answered " just fine my whole body hurts like hell " she said holding her side as Dom kissed her side immediately as Buddy laughed " dom dom really filling the role of being yours " he laughed as Rhea agreed with Buddy before they both sat down Rhea turned to Alexis " so ever thought of having more " Rhea said to her as Alexis paused glancing at Buddy " honestly... I don't know after what happened with Alex I don't know if i could bring myself to thst again " she said to Rhea who seemed to confuse Alexis bit her lip.


Alexis was about 13/14 when she found out she was infact pregnant with baby boy Alex her ex was about 17/18 at the time was cheating on her with the mistress before and during while she was pregnant when Alexis told her family she was pregnant with her ex's child they were angry while she was pregnant Alexis's body suffered terribly she was miserable during it when she gave her birth she almost died due to how small and fragile she was the baby was also suffering complications so Alex was rushed off while they tried to stop the bleeding and hemorrhaging after it was said and done she vowed to never go through again.


Rhea was shocked " o-oh I am sorry I knew never " she said placing her hand on Alexis's hand but Alexis moved away wiping her eyes and leaving she was shaking uncontrollably her heart rushed she could feel everything in that moment gasping for air dom went after her pulling her close and hushed her " I'm here I'm here shhhh shhhh " he said as Alexis cried into his chest " i-i still aee and feel everything! " she screamed into his chest Dom rubbed her hair " I know I know " he said in hushed voice while Rhea was inside " did I do something wrong? " she asked Buddy who shook his head no then Alexis and Dom came back Alexis was out of it Buddy went to her saying goodbye before heading back  home Alexis was quiet the drive home messing with her ring and biting the inside of her cheek when they got home Alexis went upstairs and straight to the bedroom laying down and going sleep seeing the flashes in her head of that night made her sick running to the bathroom to vomit Buddy sighed and went to her pulling her close and kissed her head rubbing her back trying to comfort her the best he could since he now knew the full story of Alex and why having more scares her to death.

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