Family issues (part 1)

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A black haired girl was awoken to the sound of her 'brother' whining at her door because he was hungry ' great ' she thought " dad forgot to feed him again fucking ass " she mumbled getting up still in her pj's " heyyyy good morning my favorite thing in the whole wide world " she smiled picking Alex's up and heading downstairs getting him some breakfast before she had to go work.

Alex was sitting at the table holding his teddy bear which he called jaguar and coloring before looking up at Alexis whining  " I hungryyyyyyyy " he was starting to get fussy Alexis tried calming him saying she is trying to get food done quickly but he was having none of it just then Dom came down the steps, " what's going on little dude " he said to Alex who whined " I hungry daddy forgot to feed me again " he pouted as Dom looked over at Alexis he could tell she was seething trying not to explode on their dad Rey breakfast was finally done handing it to Alex he was eating happily

Dominik pulled Alexis aside " I know I know your pissed at Rey for leaving him unattended and hungry but don't go blowing up at Rey for him I'm sure he feels bad " he said trying to cool Alexis down but that seemed to worsen her anger " He's done this several times to MY KID need I remind you I could sue his ass for negligence " she spat angrily at dom before grabbing Alex and their stuff leaving to go to the gym since she had to get some reps in before work she drove with music on to not scare the poor kid when they got there Alexia got out and told Alex " behave and maybe ill buy you something just watch your games or color but do not go out of my sight okay? " she asked concerned Alex nodded his head happily getting out as Alexis sighed heading inside and to her spot getting Alex all settled in for the 20 minutes they would be; Alex was entertained for awhile until he became bored throwing his crayons squeezing his teddy bear he seen that Alexis was distracted and wander off; Alexis had finished her rep looking over seeing Alex was gone she quickly panicked " Alex! Alex! " she called out grabbing their stuff and searching the gym when a buff Australian girl came up behind her " hello is this your kid? " the woman asked as Alexis turned around grabbing Alex and hugging him nodding " yes it is thank you so much for finding him " before looking at Alex " bad I told you to stay in my sight " she scolded him Alex pouted but understood " you are welcome! " the woman said walking away from the two and the two headed to work she knew she was gonna scream at Rey when they got there when Alex and her headed inside she went to the locker room putting her stuff inside " now stay here with these ladies I'm gonna go find dad " she said sternly before calling out for Rey, Rey ran up " yeah lex? " he said before being met with a hard shove " what the fuck! " he screamed " you left a little boy who is only 5 years old by himself! NO ANYTHING! " she screamed " need I remind I am his actual mom " she said seething through her teeth Rey got up " well I know that but the boy was fine he's living " Rey said not caring this just pissed off Alexis worse " don't be a deadbeat just how you were to me and Dominik " she stormed off passing a group it was a tall black man, a shorter Irish man, the buff woman from the gym and her brother Dominik who called after her but he was met with quietness Dominik rushed after her " Alexis you didn't have to go and yell at dad for that " he whispered softly " I don't care he's being a deadbeat dad to him whatever I gotta go get ready " she said heading back into the locker seeing Alex play with another kid made her smile she walked over to Becky thanking her then got into her gear she headed to the gorilla smiling at her tagteam partner Liv Morgan walking out and smiling picking Liv up laughing getting into the ring before waiting for their opponents.

Dominik shook his head heading back to the group leaning back against the woman " everything okay? " she asked looking at Dom who looked up at her " no Rhea everything isn't ' okay ' " he spat back at her the other two shook their head watching the match a big screen Liv and Alexis were getting destroyed by Zelina and Raquel; Alex walked up to Dominik whimpering a little at the other three adults he was scared of them pulling on his shirt dom looked down " yes? " he asked smiling " someone said that sissy is bad at wrestling and should quit " this made dom furious picking up Alex before telling JD to follow him opening the door " who said that my sister was bad! " he yelled furiously no one said a word before Rhea stepped up glaring at every single wrestler in that room Becky said " Zelina and Raquel did " just then commotion was heard on the TV everyone turned it was Liv and Alexis arguing " I NEEDED YOU! WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING! " she screamed Liv trying to defend herself before walking towards the rope before being hit in the back Alexis and being hit repeatedly over and over the whole crowd was shocked Alexis then left the ring panting heavily entering the lockerroom Dom and every wrestler was slient Alex ran over to Becky Rhea and Dom left having to go on soon to challenge LWO Alexis walked away for interview the interviewer asked " so how does it feel that you betrayed your tag team partner Liv morgan " Alexis looked at them " it feels great I should not be losing I need to be winning and I was just loosing with Liv Morgan " Alexis said panting heavily she then walked away watching judgement day and LWO in the ring then Alex was in the ring " Alex what in the world " she said gently walking out furiously down the ring Rey and Dom turned around seeing a pissed off Alexis when she got in picking up Alex " what are you doing in the ring " she asked Alex " trying to stop daddy and brother from fighting " he said pouting before Alexis handed Alex off to their mom then turning to dom and Rey who were staring angrily at each other grabbing the mic from dom " deadbeat dad " she said before slapping him then getting out and walking to mom " and the defenders of the deadbeat my mom and sis - " her sister snatched the mic away before she was also slapped which made Rey get out of the ring holding his other daughter back Alexis laughed before taking Alex and heading behind the gorilla grabbing their stuff " cmon we are leaving " she said to Alex who nodded he was a little scared but Alexis looked at him and smiled sweetly " it's okay that's just a persona " she smiled happily before walking to the car and driving home when she got home " Okay Alex go get ready for bed " she said gently as Alex made his way to the bathroom Alexis got dressed and ready for bed seeing her family had pulled in she knew the shit show that was ready to happen so she went downstairs crossing her arms as her mom and Rey come screaming at her " you embarrassed your father! Are you proud of that! " they rambled on as Alexis shrugged " whatever at least I ain't deadbeats and pawn my kids off on others " she said before heading back upstairs Rey continued to scream at her but she ignored him all the way to her room shutting locking the door; she took a deep breath plugging in her phone and went to sleep

Dominik texted Rhea ' hey do you think we should do a intergender match and custody for whomever gets Alex? 'He sent the message Rhea responded fast ' ooh maybe but first we gotta Alexis on our team because we could totally dominate WWE with our strengths ' she sent back both of them went to bed later on that night Alex went to Alexis's door knocking sleepily she groaned getting up seeing Alex she was worried immediately " hey bubs what's wrong " crouching down she hugged him he sniffles " m-mommy and daddy are talking about kicking you out is it cause of me " he said Alexis immediately shut the door shaking her head " no baby it's not I promise " she said and kissed his head laying him down on her bed before walking to her parents " are you serious! " she said to them " I don't have any where to go! I'll be homeless and I don't trust any of you to take care of my son " she said " Alex thinks it's because of him and he's right you are negligent I am his REAL MOTHER! " she screamed as her mom slapped her Alexis stormed off calling Rhea in a huff " Rhea can me and Alex stay with you please " she said packing her and Alex's things as her parents screamed at her before grabbing her keys Alex was crying before getting picked up by Alexis taking their bags " it's okay baby we are going to Rhea's for now " she said getting him in the car giving him his bear before shutting the trunk dom was trying to stop Alexis but she didn't driving off to Rhea's when she got there she texted Rhea she was here getting out along with Alex bringing them inside Rhea gave Alex a drawing book and gave him the spare room to calm down before turning to Alexis " Okay tell me what happened " she said to Alexis " what is happening between Alex and you " she said before Alexis sighed " I had a baby young like 13 or 14 with my ex who was much older than me like 17 18 well he cheated on me and moved so my dad decided it was better for them to hide the fact I was his mom " she sighed looking away " Now I want custody of my boy I don't know how to go about it or tell him that the person who he thought was his daddy isn't and that his dad abandoned him " she said sat back running her fingers through her hair as Rhea hugged her tightly before rubbing her back " dom and I will figure something out "

TJD - Family Issues Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon