Car Crash

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Alexis was driving home she was extremely exhausted falling asleep but forcing herself awake but eventually she fell asleep crashing into someone the wreck was bad she woke up she was pinned she was hurt badly she was dazed her leg was bleeding excessively her ribs were bruised coughing blood the other driver ran over getting her out " are you okay! Holy shit! " the person said looking her up and down calling people; Alexis was passing in and out of consciousness " w...what.... " she said coughing blood onto the person " my name is Cameron! " he said to her picking her up walking over to the car before Alexis's car exploded; Cameron backed up before getting into his car and driving to the hospital " just hold on! We aren't far I promise " he said Alexis coughing up blood she was hysterical crying and trying not to choke  on her own blood when they got there Cameron picked her up and rushed inside " help! Please! She's bleeding and coughing blood! " he screamed drenched in her blood the people rushed swiftly " what happened to her! " a nurse asked " a car crash we crashed into each other! " he said worriedly as the nurse nodded yelling be careful with her.

Buddy was home he felt something was wrong but didn't know what then he got a call his heart sank rushing to alex " Alex cmon! Mommy was in an accident! " he said both rushing into the car sped off while the mysterios were informed along with everyone else; Cameron was already back there looking at her worriedly " hey are you okay I am sorry " he said feeling extremely guilty she coughed " no no it was my fault I was exhausted and thought I could make it home but I fell asleep at the wheel " she said coughing then her family busted everyone worried surrounding her " holy shit Alexis! " they all said Cameron backed up Alexis coughed up " h-hey guys I'm okay I'm okay " she said as buddy and alex rushed in seeing alex started cry while buddy took his fiancée hand and kissed her lips " are you okay baby? " he asked Alexis nodded " I'm fine I'm fine luckily " Dominik had seen Cameron and rushed over picking him up and swung on him " you bastard! " he yelled Alexis sat up " no no its okay it wasn't his fault it was mine I fell asleep at the wheel he didn't cause it " she said quickly as Cameron pushed Dominik off realizing he was still covered in her blood " yeah I brought her here so she wouldn't die! " he said crossing his arms shaking his head

The nurse came in " luckily the only thing broken was her leg and the ribs so speedy recovery " she said to Alexis who sighed tearing up " I'll be out of wrestling for awhile I'll have to requlinsh my tilte along with Charlotte " she said to them shaking her head in disappointment Charlotte rubbed her arm " I don't care as long as your alive is all that matters it'll be a rematch for whomever gets it " she said happily and kissed her hand; Alexis smiled nodding before she closed her eyes since she had to stay in the hospital for a bit until she was cleared to go home. The next couple weeks she was trying to exercise and not push herself because she was healing Cameron came and checked on her every day on the last day she was filling discharge papers so she could leave Cameron walked in smiling " hey lex how ya feeling? " he asked softly Alexis looked up smiling " a lot better than the first night tho im still in pain I have medicine for it " she said happily looking at Cameron he smiled " that's amazing you have a lot of family that cares for you " he said sitting next to her Alexis nodded " yeah I do tho some relationships are harder than the others " she laughed looking down before handing the paperwork off " I'm gonna have to get everything back hopefully buddy did it while I was in the hospital " she said leaning against Cameron who rubbed her back " I'm betting he did seeing how good he was towards you and you aslo have a kid he's adorable " He said to her smiling Alexis giggled " yeah I birthed him tho it sucks imma be out of wrestling for a bit even tho I don't want to be " she sighed running her fingers through her hair the nurse came back in " alright you are already to go just keep resting and stuff " she said sweetly Alexis and Cameron got up walking towards the exit he helped her to his car " I can drive you home if you just tell me where to go " he said happily Alexis nodded and started telling directions to her house when they pulled up buddy was outside waiting Alexis smiled as he helped her out before thanking Cameron " thank you so much " he said before walking inside the outside and Cameron pulled off Alexis was given a new phone, credit cards and everything she lost in the explosion of her car she smiled happily as her whole family and friends were there " Thank you all so much " She smiled happily wiping her eyes sitting on the couch looking at the gifts and everything

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