Out for fun

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Alexis and Buddy had decided to invite some friends out for drinks since they had a week to relax; Alexis got dressed wearing a long black skirt with a crop top and some necklaces with the help of buddy of course she did her hair and makeup smiling happily before helping buddy with his stuff fixing his hair and all then headed downstairs she picked up Alex " Okay Cameron will be here soon to watch you behave for him " she said happily and kissed his head Alex was heavily attached to his mom so her leaving kinda scared him especially with someone he's never met or known really well he started to have an anxiety attack hyperventilating and all Alexis quickly worried she sat him down wiping the tears away " hey what's wrong? " she asked he looked up " d-don't go pl-please? " he said his eyes said it all Alexis kissed his head " bud I promise cam will take good care of you I trust him and if anything goes wrong you can call me " she said reassuring him as Cameron had walked through the door Alexis stood up walking over and hugging him " thanks cam for watching my boy just if anything goes wrong tell me please " she said anxious herself Cameron smiled and nods " you got it now go have fun " he smiled to them as buddy and Alexis left to go meet up with their friends; Cameron walked over to Alex sitting next to him " soooo Alex what would you like to do? " he said smiling happily but Alex remained slient clutching his bear avoiding eye contact with cam he sighed " do you wanna swim? Go to the mall? Go to the park? The arcade " he suggested Alex perked up immediately " arcade! " he smiled happily; Cameron and Alex went to the arcade like he wanted when they got there Alex grabbed his hand walking to the door happily when they entered Alex ran to his favorite game as Cameron followed him happily watching him.

Alexis and Buddy got to the bar seeing Rhea and Dom, Finn and Damian, Alexa and Ryan " hey guys! " she said as Rhea looked at them " damn lex you look hot " she said getting up taking Alexis winking at Rhea Buddy and Dom rolled their eyes as Alexis sat down on rhea's lap smiling buddy got them a couple drinks Rhea went to take a sip but she gagged at the smell pushing it away and moving Alexis heading to the bathroom she puked in the toilet wiping her lips and went to the mirror fixing her black lipstick before heading back sitting down next to Alexis; she whispered to Rhea " you okay i saw the way you reacted to the drink " she said Rhea shook her head " I'm okay probably just catching something " she said smiling rubbing alexis's arm the night went on talking more drinks being dealt out until the men were drunk since Alexa was pregnant, Rhea wasn't feeling good and Alexis doesn't drink much everyone went back home seeing Cameron waiting he waved walking over to Alexis " he's asleep I'm gonna head out " he said happily Alexis grabbed some money out " here " she said taking his hand and put the money in before a druken buddy stumbled out Alexis helped him to the house Cameron smiled and went home yawning tiredly.

During the night Rhea was getting up to vomit several times she sighed getting dressed and heading to the store she walked to grab a test as her heart raced going to the self checkout and buying the test than heading into the bedroom and to the bathroom unboxing her test and using it she cleaned her hands pacing the bathroom before seeing the results she placed her hand over her mouth she grabbed the test heading downstairs calling Alexis in a hushed panic " Alexis can I come over please " she said quietly Alexis nodded " yeah of course Rhea " she said tiredly getting up and waited downstairs for who was over quiet fast she opened the door showing the test to her Alexis eyes little up " Rhea this is great! " she said hugging her Rhea looked at her " what do I tell Dom we only just got in engage "  she said sitting down running her fingers through her messed up hair as Alexis sat down " tell him tomorrow I'm betting he will be excited " she smiled before Rhea nodded biting her lip nervously before heading back home and getting into bed with dom. Rhea bolted to the bathroom throwing up groaning as Dom got up feeling her rush out of the bed he walked to her seeing her vomiting her guts out " hey is everything okay " he said to her crouching down Rhea nodded " yeah yeah im fine " she said to him getting up and getting ready for work she hid the test in her purse waiting for dom once dom was ready they left and heading to work.

Buddy and Alexis got ready too smiling happily going to Starbucks first getting Alex a water before driving to WWE getting out and heading to the lockerrooms getting dressed Alexis spotted Rhea going over to her " did you tell Dominik " she whispered excitedly Rhea shook her head " no I didn't I will while I'm out on the miz show " she said as Alexis nodded and hugged her excitedly before skipping off Dom and Rhea walked out heading onto the ring smirking as Cody rolled his eyes and Miz danced to the music before dom sat down being giving the mic Rhea smirked wearing a Damian priest shirt the stick in the back of her pants while Cody was talking Rhea was feeling nausea holding her stomach trying not vomit the miz turned to Rhea noticing her greenish face " um Rhea you okay? " he asked before she swallowed her vomit grabbing his mic and the test " I'm pregnant! " she shouted before panting sitting down Cody, The Miz and Dom were stunned standing there for a minute before Cody answered " really? " he said into the mic Rhea nodded sitting down holding her stomach " yes its true " she said gently miz and Cody turned to dom before dom got up and left the ring as Rhea teared Cody and miz pulled her close before Cody yelled into the mic " seriously dom! Aren't you excited to be a dad? " he questioned dom turned around heading back behind the gorilla Rhea held her stomach leaning against miz and Cody who helped her down and into the back sitting her down getting her some water Alexis went to dom " dom seriously you left your newly pregnant wife out there " she said kinda annoyed Dom sighed " I'm sorry I'm just shocked I don't why she didn't tell me earlier " he sighed looking Alexis; she sighed " because she was scared you would react terribly since your newly engaged " she said crouching down " now go and comfort Rhea she is probably upset " she said and Dom nodded going to Rhea pulling her close and kissed her head " I'm really excited baby I'm sorry for my reaction out on the ring " he said and kissed her lips as Rhea gave a half smile and nods.

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