38 (END)

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The only downside to their date is the fact that they have a few bodyguards surrounding them. But it's fine, they're used to ignoring that sort of thing.

Their date goes well— they go out for dinner and a walk down the street, and the sidewalk is by the water so it's very nice and calm.

They talk about a lot of things. Past, present, even future. Jungkook has a lot of regrets but it's whatever. Can't change it now. But he can fix it.

By the time they get back to Seokjin's car at the restaurant, the sun is setting. Jungkook doesn't want to go home yet, but Seokjin drives him back anyway.

"Hyung, do you wanna come in for a little while?" he asks Seokjin as they're getting closer to his apartment. Seokjin glances at him, then smiles and nods.


He parks his vehicle and they head up to Jungkook's expensive apartment. The building is nice. He's pretty sure Seokjin also has a nice apartment somewhere in the city.

"This is it," he announces as he opens his door. His apartment doesn't have much in it at all. It's very minimalistic, but there's still a few things that make the place feel like home, like his movie merch and Bam's dog bowl— Bam isn't home right now.

"How lovely." Seokjin turns to him and smiles. "Just like you."

They're standing in the entrance to the living room now, gazing back at each other. Jungkook's tummy swirls with butterflies as Seokjin looks at him.

"I think you're lovelier, hyung."

Seokjin smiles and looks away. He rubs at the back of his neck and shakes his head in disbelief. "I honestly thought you'd have let go of me by now. It's been years."

Jungkook takes a step closer, earning Seokjin's gaze once more.

"I never let you go, hyung. I can't let you go even if I try."

It's the truth. Jungkook tried and tried to let him go, even trying to find someone new, but it always comes back to him. His first love.

And now, having Seokjin standing in his home feels so right. He wants a lot more of this, a lot more dates, and a lot more of that familiar look in Seokjin's eyes.

Seokjin takes a step closer, meeting Jungkook. Their feet are in front of each other now and they're totally in each other's personal space, but it feels okay.

Jungkook lifts his hand to Seokjin's cheek and his heart melts as Seokjin pushes into the touch, eating the attention up with ease.

He's gentle as he raises his hand to Jungkook's and even gentler as he turns and places a small kiss in Jungkook's palm.

"Hyung... can I..."

Seokjin looks back at him and gives him a cocked eyebrow as if he's asking 'Really?' and he says "You know I'm gonna say yes."

i can't let you go | jinkook au✔️ Where stories live. Discover now