I Know I Love Only You

Start from the beginning

He scrubbed his skin until it was red and raw, but he was clean and when he exited the bathroom he found clothes were waiting for him. He pulled on the shirt, and wandered out to the hallway to see if he could see into the room. People were rushing in and out, and in a moment of crystal clear clarity he saw him.

Rain lay on the bed eyes shut and so pale and  the personal doctor of Phakin's family was sewing his side up, and then the door shut again. He could feel himself losing it, and desperately tried to keep it in. Unaware that he was making gasping sounds as he tried to pull in air. Soon it was a full on hyperventilation attack, and he couldn't get in enough air as tears tried to force their way through.

A strong arm locked him into a hug as his face was pressed into his younger brother's shoulder.

"Phayu.....Phayu...you have to breath.....1...2....just breathe...I got you."

Saifah felt hands  bunch up into the sides of his shirt, and he held Phayu firmly into him. He'd never seen his brother like this before, and it broke his heart how helpless he felt. Then he felt him sag into him as tears streamed down his face. A silent opened mouth sob as he continue to cry, but not once did Phayu utter a sound.

This carried on for a few minutes, and then suddenly Phayu was lead weight and he called out desperately to Prapai who was standing near them. The two of them managed to lift the unconscious man, and bring him into the room. They wanted to put him in the bed, but knew that he would want Rain with him so instead they set him in the chair. Dragging a stool from somewhere to put under his feet.

~            ~               ~                   ~

*beep*    *beep*     *beep*

Rain swam to the surface as he woke up in an unfamiliar room. It wasn't a hospital room, but it definitely had the equipment. Or so he thought until he realized the beeping was coming from  the tv monitor in the corner. A medical drama was playing, and he couldn't help but smile wryly at the irony. He  was however hooked up to an IV, and his hand was firmly enclosed in the palm of beautiful exhausted man currently asleep on the side of his bed.

He reached out and brushed the side of Phayu's face, and watched as his lover startled awake. Red rimmed bloodshot eyes looked up at him, and he realized how hard it must've been for him. Phayu was always so caring and loving of him he was afraid he would hold back, but the next moment gave him his answer.

Phayu stood up never letting his gaze leave Rain, and he let a hand slip down the side of his face and guide him into a kiss. The kiss was full of nipping teeth, tongue, passion, and every ounce of feeling Phayu had left. Sighing deeply as the kiss ended he rested forehead to forehead with Rain, his emotions still running high as a tear managed to escape and slid down his cheek.

"Don't do that EVER again Rain....I don't think  I could ever do this again."

Rain felt the other man tremble as he stood head to head with him his eyes closed, and he could see the dark circles of exhaustion.He reached up with the hand on the side without stitches, and cupped Phayu's jaw.

"I'm sorry....I cant promise that."

He felt Phayu pull back, and watched the stirrings of anger, and laid his hand on his lovers arm.

"P'Phayu I know we met and got together so fast, but I love you just as much I know you love me. I don't know when it happened, but I can't imagine living without you. So if it means charging the man who wants to kill...I have no regrets. But I'll do my best not to do reckless things again, because I wanna be with you. Being alive is a requirement for that."

Phayu looked down at the pale man in the bed who was still recovering. His eyes unwavering, and strong telling him silently that he was okay. Leaning down he gathered Rain's face in his hands, and kissed him hard and thoroughly. When he pulled back they were both out of breath, and Rain's eyes were half lidded with the look of desire he was used to.

" Don't forget that requirement my "cute" boy, or I'll have to think of your punishment. And you're right...I do love you...I love you so so much Rain."

He looked down at his love, and then sat beside him holding his hand and talking a little as the two of them basked in their time together. Phayu's mind idly wandered, as he acknowledged that his brother and friends had been right.

~            ~                   ~                 ~

....The night before...

The doctor and temp staff had wheeled Rain into the room, and Phayu watched helplessly as the unconscious man was lifted from one bed to the other. His inner monologue was a mess, and he couldn't help but berate himself inside his head.

What the hell had he been thinking?! He'd almost lost the best thing in his life.

He reached a hand out to brush a hand over his hair, but couldn't bring himself to do it. He'd promised Rain to protect him, and he'd been able to do nothing. Instead he'd been the one to be protected...did he even deserve to be with the feisty younger man. All the answers to the situation had been handed to him, and he was barely backup....a very lacking backup.

Clenching his hand he pulled it back, and looked down sadly at Rain pale and sleeping. He started making arrangements , and getting things ready on his phone when his brother pulled him out of the room. Confused he looked at the group around him, and watched as the rectangular device was plucked out of his hands by Saifah.

He thought his brother and Prapai were the ones who wanted to talk, but instead he found himself following Sky away from the room and down hallways towards somewhere else. They walked out into the gardens, and sat on a bench in the warm night air.

They sat in silence for a bit, and then Sky spoke.

"You know what Rain told me when I found out about you? He's hot, a flirt, and he has a big...heart."

The younger man flashed a smile out of the corner of his eye, and turned to Phayu.

" He loves that you always want to touch, or be touched by him. You never hesitate to do what you want, and you're confident no matter what. Even though he said to never tell you that, and likes to insist its arrogance."

Phayu couldn't understand why Rain's best friend would tell him all of this , but it made his heart swell in his chest.

Sky blew out a  breath and continued.

" You're afraid to touch him aren't you?"

He flinched as it felt like all the air was sucked out of his lungs, and he tried his best not to squirm under Sky's gaze.

" How did you...?"

Phayu gazed cautiously at the man next to him, and watched as he turned to look off in the distance and sighed a little.

" I wonder....I guess, because I've been in your shoes before. When something traumatic happens that makes you question yourself, and how you treat the people you love in your life. It can...well..it can be hard on everybody."

The dark haired beauty turned to him again. Sky was beautiful in a different way than his Rain, but he could understand why drew 'Pai to him. The younger man seemed to love Rain a lot, and for that he gratefully listened.

" I just want you to not be so hard on yourself, and treat him like you always have. My best friend hasn't had the best of luck when it comes to men, and when you came along I've never seen him so taken with someone. I just..."

Sky broke off fearing he may have said to much, but they were quickly dispersed when Phayu stuck out his hand to shake.


He was quickly surrounded by his brother, and his best friend who was obviously anxious to get back to his boyfriend after seeing him with Phayu for too long. Not too long after they had left, and he had gone back to where he belonged...by Rain's side.

Photo Cr.: Pinterest

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