Hit my line

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Rain and Phayu quietly escaped the room, and walked towards his bedroom. Halfway to the room instead Rain veered off into a hallway that Phayu had never seen, and then through a door that led outside. The night sky once again stretched above him, and he looked up in appreciation.

Phayu let himself be led to seating area on a balcony, and the two of them settled on a cozy swing loveseat. He sat down, and motioned for Rain to snuggle up to him. He felt the small warm body of his lover snuggle up to him, and instead of sitting back to front Rain lay on his chest instead.

Arms wrapped around his waist, and a face snuggled into his neck readjusting was needed for them both to be comfortable and soon they were laying down on the loveseat on their sides. They swayed there in the comfortable air, and Phayu felt himself start to drift.

"P'Phayu...have you...dated anyone?" Rain asked the question being careful around the word dated.

Phayu immediately understood why Rain asked, and moved to sit up to look at his lover while he replied but arms squeezed him tight. He relaxed, and let hands massage up and down Rains  back to soothe him.

" I've dated...but I've never been bare with anyone," He answered the silent question Rain had answered.

Before he could open his mouth to ask anything Rain spoke again.

"For me there's only been the one, but before we started dating I checked to make sure I was safe."

The news hit him like a lightening bolt, and Phayu was struck by the urge to throw something. He knew that there was a previous relationship, and realistically he knew what that meant when he'd heard how long they'd been together but hearing it was different.

He held the burning anger inside, because it was no ones fault. Rain was a consenting adult with needs, and they had been together and Phayu didn't even know him them. But the possessiveness in him made him want to wrap around Rain, and never let anyone touch him.

'He's Mine!'

Phayu was so lost in thought he didn't hear Rain calling him, and then he was being kissed. On autopilot he devoured the mouth connected to his, dragging the warm body against him. Hands slipped up into Rains shirt, and he kissed down his neck as he let out little greedy moans.

Fire licked up Rain's body as Phayu kissed his neck, and struggled to form a coherent thought. He'd struggled moments before to get Phayu's attention after he'd confessed to going bareback with Sig. He'd felt his lover tense, and had been worried until he'd been kissed breathless.

"Baby....babe...P'Phayu!" Rain called his name as he lifted his lovers head from his neck, and watched as intelligence flooded back into the heated eyes.

He let out a small laugh, and pecked the swollen mouth as his boyfriend struggled to form a coherent thought.

" I was asking because ..." He trailed off as Phayu drew the both of them up to sit  properly on the seat next to each other.

"Because of what happened to Prapai right?" Phayu stated it cautiously feeling Rain shake his head yes.

He could tell Rain was worried for his response, and reached over to fold his hand into his own. Threading his fingers through Rains he ran his thumb over the back of his lovers hand,  and leaned over and kissed his head.

"You know it's okay to have these discussions...I won't be mad Rain," He said to the man next to him before continuing.

"It's okay to talk about this, because we have to be safe. This is us caring for each other, and being realistic about what kind of relationship we want. Eventually when the time comes in the future I want to be able to feel all of you," Phayu leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

A tame kiss compared to the one they'd just shared, and had shared before.

He felt Rain hesitate, and then turn to him.

"I can understand, but why haven't we...." Rain trailed off his cheeks warm from the blush that was hidden in the dark.

He'd wondered this from the moment they'd been all over each other, but they'd never gone farther than touching and their mouths. It was hot, but also frustrating because he wanted to feel his lover in more ways than one.

Phayu watched the cute man squirm next to him, and couldn't contain the smile as he leaned into him.

"You mean...why haven't we done the horizontal tango? Played hide the hedgehog? Gotten hot and sweaty? or why haven't I slid hot and deep inside of you until you can never forget the shape of me?" Phayu teased him joking as he crowded into his space, until his voice deepened and his eyes darkened with hunger.

Rain looked up into Phayu's eyes in a daze, the sexual rush was heady and addicting. He felt himself being lifted onto his lap, and they were face to face. A gentle kiss with lips, tongues, and teeth sucked him in.

Phayu's hands steadied him on his lap, and splayed flat on Rains back as he pulled air into his lungs.

Eyes staring at him Phayu spoke in a low intimate voice.

" It's called foreplay baby, and it's just as good as sex. It's just like this." Phayu spoke as he reached between the two of them and freed their erections from the confines of their respective pants.

"I love touching you just like this, and seeing your reactions," Phayu kissed him as he slowly tugged his hand up and down Rain's cock watching as his lovers head slacked and his mouth relaxed in pleasure.

"If I go slow you whine, and move your greedy little hips demanding more," He kissed Rains neck as his lover mimicked his words and groaned in annoyance as he tried fuck more of himself into Phayu's hand.

Phayu smiled into his neck, and then sped up his hand as he sucked up a hickey.

" Now if I go fast did you know you twitch, and jerk when you're close to climax....so sexy," He whispered as he used his free hand to jerk Rains head back and licked his bottom lip.

" And if I do this..." He licked his hand and created a tight circle with his thumb and index finger, and twisted it down and over Rain's head repeatedly rapidly.

His lover stiffened, and moaned low in his throat as he coated Phayu's hand.

"... I get a mess." Phayu dove in for a full kiss and coated himself in Rains cum. He went to finish himself off, and jumped when Rain closed his own hand over him and jerked him to a shuddering completion tongue deep in his lovers mouth.

The two of them sat there in shuddering post orgasm's, and leaned against each other.

Rain kissed Phayu hard.

" Don't forget it's a two way street babe," Rain smiled into his mouth.

Photo Credit:  Pinterest

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