Love Talk

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"Boyfriend," Rain's head swam as he was kissed hard after Phayu claimed the position he was all too happy to give him.

He was being rolled to the side, and then he was on top so he could be pushed  up on his knees sitting on thick muscular legs. Phayu scooted backwards to put his back to the headboard, and reached out for Rain. Rain  was plastered to him in a flash, and the kiss continued.

Hands caressed down his back, and lifted him up hands on his ass as he was pushed off balance into Phayu. Rain grabbed his shoulders to steady himself dipping his head from his position for more open mouthed kisses.

He moaned low as his tongue was caressed, and hands tightened on his ass and began to knead his cheeks together and then apart. Wildly turned on Rain let his hands wander  to caress his lovers neck, and then broke the kiss to lick the wild pulse in Phayu's neck before sucking  the skin.

He felt a huge squeeze  on his ass as a guttural moan filled the room, and two hands grabbed his waist and pushed his hips down causing his knees to fold. His thighs spread as he sat lap on lap, and then sucked in a huge gasp of air when Phayu ground them into each other.

Their pace was urgent and desperate as they rubbed together. His mouth sought out again, one of Phayu's arms crept up and held them tightly together. The kisses wet and hot, even while his left hand held his waist in place as he snapped his hips upwards.

The pressure against their cocks intense, and shiver inducing. Rain desperate to taste every part of his skin again broke away, and kissed down Phayu's jaw to the hollow of his neck. Licking a wet line from this throat to his chin.

"P' it's so good," He grunted as he bucked against each other and then whispered against his neck, " but I wonder how much better it would be with you deep inside me, filling me until I.."

He could swear that his eyes glowed in the dark with desire, and he was pushed back onto the bed. A ripping sound, and his skin was bare as the shirt he wore was destroyed. His eyes widened as he wondered if he had pushed the other too far.

An arm wrapped around his waist as lips kissed everywhere on his neck, and he was dragged to the end of the bed. Suddenly the weight of Phayu disappeared, and he was near Rain's feet. Hand's  vibrating with desire fought with his button and zipper, and then his pants and under wear were thrown in a corner somewhere.

At some point the room had gotten dark, and he could barely make his lover out as he toed off his jeans and underwear. And then he was sliding back on the bed the mattress dipping from his body weight, and Rain could feel hot breath on his cock and almost bucked upwards but a hand on his hip held him fast.

Then a hand was stroking him, and his body was slammed with pleasure. Phayu's lips kissed the inside of his thigh, and continued towards his hot and rock hard cock. A wet tongue swiped the base of his shaft while his palm rubbed soft circles on his tip. Precum dribbled out of his slit wetting the tip as Phayu continued his circles.

Rain could barely move, much less make a sound as he lay back his mouth open slack jawed as he concentrated on breathing through the pleasure.

A hand scratched up his side, and he felt breath on his tip and soft lips kiss spongy head.

" Don't you want to watch me slide you down my throat," Phayu taunted as he pressed little kisses to his head in between words.

His penis jumped  as more precum slid down his tip, and his head snapped up as mouth sucked him in. There was no warning as cum boiled up, and spewed out of the tip and into his waiting mouth. His hands scrabbling for anything as he came so hard he saw stars, and he felt Phayu drink him down.

He got hard again so fast his head spun. Then  Phayu was there hovering over him crashing their lips together, and kissing him like he'd eat him alive. He felt his thickness hard and heavy against his hip as they kissed harshly.

"I'm sorry baby but I need you," Phayu gritted his teeth as he lifted Rain's legs, and pulled them into his lap. He leaned over, and kissed the dazed sexy man. He  spat into his hand, and lubed up his hard dick and sheathed himself into soft thighs.

Letting out a deep  moan he pulled back, and then pushed in feeling Rain's hard length rub against his own.

"Oh fuck that's amazing," Rain whispered breathlessly as he looked up into the desperate face of his lover. He knew he needed something to push him over the edge, so he bit his lip.

" Fuck me like you mean it...daddy"

The last strings of control snapped as Phayu fucked his thighs,  the friction of cock to cock so intense Rain could feel the 2nd orgasm racing towards him. Jesus, he wasn't inside him but Rain felt like he could cum just from the sensation of Phayu's balls slamming into his ass.

Phayu's hips slammed into Rains, and the rhythm suddenly stuttered as a he reached around to  jerk Rain pleasure forcing his lovers head back onto the mattress. Cum shot from him as Phayu's cum flooded his thighs, and dripped down over his ass.

"Yessssssss," his voice hissed into the darkness and his body went limp.

Both of them lay there relearning how to breathe, and Rain felt a kiss on his collarbone.

" You still alive babe?"

" Barely," Phayu said with a laugh muffled by his skin

On unsteady legs he managed to get up, and Rain heard him shuffle to the bathroom before returning with a wet washcloth. He wiped them both down, and then crawled under the sheets  cuddling up to Rain they both fell asleep.

*                        *                         *

*Beeep  beeeep beeep*

An alarm was going off somewhere, and all Rain wanted to do was make it go away as he reached a hand out to slap the offending sound.

" Mmmm," a  voice  behind him groaned, and arms tightened around his waist.

Last nights events slammed into him, and soft smile played across his face. He twisted around in Phayu's arms, and kissed his sleepy boyfriends lips. Arms tightened around him as the kiss deepened, and  clear dark eyes opened to look at him.

"Morning," Phayu greeted him softly , before pressing another light kiss on Rain's lips, " We should get up."

He held out his hand to help Rain up, and they took a shower together. They played it light, because there was always time for more later on. They kissed, flirted, and explored a little under the showers spray.

Soon they were dressed, and ready for the  day. The day was long , but they made twice as much progress as the day before. Maybe it was because they were all in go mode, or  perhaps it was because they'd disclosed the nature of their relationship. No longer needing to fend off overt advances they were finally able to get what they needed to.

The rest of the week passed easily, and it was the last day. The song was finished, and they didn't have to go back to the studio at all. Rain wanted to go somewhere fun to spend time with Phayu. He'd intended an old fashioned date, but they quickly nixed that when the map he'd bought ripped in half.

Relying on good ole GPS they headed to the beach. The Uber they'd called raced through LA streets, weaving in and out as only true natives could do. Finally they arrived, but found the beach overcrowded.

"How about..."

" Maybe we should..."

The two of them laughed, and decided to try for food first. Settling on a place across the street from the beach. They walked to the front of the restaurant, and took in the outdoor seating in the sun. In no time they were seated, and as they were ordering a voice rang out.

A voice that made his blood freeze, and anger well to the surface. He involuntarily tightened his grip on Phayu's hand, because of his reaction he could feel his curious gaze.  He was afraid to look up, but he did just that and found himself facing his ex, Sig.

Photo Credit: Pinterest Linh Dinh

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