Stop thinking of him

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Rain had dressed up to go out, even going as far to dye his originally ash brown hair black. He liked the new look. He wore a white eyelet dress shirt open at the chest, dark jeans, dark shoes; tonight he was determined to have a good time.

He wanted to forget the work day, and forget the email. He had shut himself up in the studio for so long he wasn't sure he even remembered how to play. Pushing open the doors of the club it all came back to him, and he felt himself relax. He felt like dancing, but he hadn't even had that drink that had driven him to leave his house.

He glided towards the bar enjoying the crush of bodies against his own. He thought he'd felt a hand caress like a ghost across his chest, but didn't take it seriously. That's what it meant to be in a club in Bangkok. The crowds were dense, and if you weren't being touched in some way you weren't in the right club. 

It was warm, but a comfortable type of warmth which was hard to achieve in a club filled with people. The dance floor was packed with all types of couples, a beautiful girl in blue in a sensual embrace with her boyfriend, a petite girl shined looking up into the face of the equally adorable girl dancing with her. All of that was cute but he was looking for another man.

He wanted someone he could spread his hands and arms around, someone ...dense.

The thought died as soon as he saw him. He looked almost 6 feet with broad shoulders, and climbing up the back sides of his neck were a pair of wings. His hair was gathered in a ponytail, and he looked ...delicious. Not taking his eyes off the laughing hot guy who sat at a table at the edge of dance floor he headed to the bar.

He managed to order his drink, and waited for it while he kept glancing back to the table. He must not have been the only one interested, because in the last 5 minutes he had watched the hot guy turn away two girls who had tried their luck.

Feeling a little lucky Rain pushed away from the bar to go try his hand at inviting the other guy, but before he could move he was tapped on the shoulder. Turning his head the bartender tapped the drink he had set on the bar, and walked away to take other drink requests.

He turned his head back to the table, and deflated as he realized his target had disappeared. In the split second of turning, and accepting his drink he'd lost him. A little disappointed he raised the glass, and drank from it.

The liquored burned as it slid smoothly down his throat, and before he knew it he had ordered and drank 2 more. His body loosened by the drinks and the heat he slid out onto the dance floor, and for the next two hours swayed to the music with whoever had the courage to pull him close.

                                                 *                               *                             *

The music was loud in the club 'Section'. They had only opened a couple of weeks before, and Phayu's friends had all bugged him to come see the club they'd all put together. Insisting that even if he didn't run the club he had invested in it, and deserved to see what his money was doing.

The air was warm and comfortable, and he was having a decent time. His drink sat in front of him barely touched as he enjoyed the sights . The crowd was mostly on the dance floor, and girls and guys alike danced together.

He was getting bored, and wanted to get back to his shop, and was about to leave when the crowd rippled, and he watched a fit man walk in. The white of his shirt pristine against the skin that showed through the small parts of the shirt. It was like a magnet kept his eyes on him, and as he turned his head away he felt eyes on him.

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