Cruel Limbo

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Phayu  had only gotten away for a short amount of time, but he was in luck because he knew this part of town. Thank god it wasn't that far from his shop, but he didn't have his keys. However, There was a place that was as good as his shop around there... 'Section'.

After 45 minutes of walking he stepped up to the front of the club, and thanked God that the bouncer in the front was someone who knew him. He knew he looked a mess, but had hoped that at the least he would be able to get a hold of a phone.

With little to no issues he was let inside, and he made his way to the back to the manager's office. There was a change of clothes there along with a shower, it was one of their more ingenious ideas when they were designing the club. A decision he thanked God for as he turned the knob and pushed against the heavy wood door, and his eyes widened as they settled on an completely unexpected sight.

~                        ~                            ~                        ~

Earlier that night...

Rain finished his  shower, and collapsed on the bed the Phayu scented sheets making him want to cry. He berated himself in his head, 'Don't be so weak..You'll get him back soon!'  He settled down to sleep, but it wouldn't come so instead he went over things in his head. Was there anything that he'd missed, that they had missed. He made a mental list in his head, and as he was ticking the boxes he sat up straight in the bed.

The club!...He'd forgotten all about the club that Phayu was a silent partner in. Not to mention it was a club that Cake had frequented too. It was only 12am, and the club didn't close until 4 am so instead of putting it on the list  of places to go tomorrow he started putting on his clothes now.

At this point Rain was desperate to do anything, and with a potential lead in mind he couldn't let it go unexplored. He knew that Sig was counting on his Uncle to get the locations of Phayu, but after everything he didn't want to put his blind faith in somebody else. Plus, he didn't think they'd let any of Phayu's friends/Partners know that anything was happening, so if they'd seen him they wouldn't even think to mention it.

Grabbing his phone he made his way to the room Sky was in, and knocked softly. A minute later a sleepy soft cheeked Sky opened the door, and he gave a brief rundown of where he was going . Although exhausted Sky  offered to go with him, but he re-assured the sleepy man he was just going to go quickly and come back.

He pretended not see Prapai half-naked on the bed, and waved away any  curious thoughts he had about his best friends relationship. He flushed a little as he grabbed the keys to Phayu's car, it was something best not thought about after all. In under 10 minutes he was out, and driving in the cool night air as he made his way to the club. Almost 20 minutes later he was parking, and 15 more minutes waiting in a crowded line he made his way into the building.

Loud music bumped from the speakers, but this time he didn't feel the urge to dance. Drinks were downed as people flowed out onto the dance floor, and his eyes were drawn to the table  that Phayu had sat at the night they'd first met. He asked a server for the direction of the managers office, and after a few minutes he was invited in.

Act  welcomed him into the office, and they sat down as he explained everything. He was satisfied with the other man's reactions. For a moment before he had walked into the room he'd momentarily  been worried if people at the club might have been involved, but his fears were quickly banished. He watched as Act called other friends of Phayu, and he heard the doorknob jiggle behind him.

Turning to face the door his mouth opened in shock as an exhausted, and bruised Phayu walked through the door.

The two of them stilled as they looked at each other, and then they were both in motion as Rain rushed into his arms as Phayu cradled him close. Rain gingerly hugged his lover as he eyed the bruises on his arms, and noted the raw  and practically bloody wrists. Act was pulling a first aid kit out of the closet behind him, and the three of them sat down to talk.

Rain listened dazed to what had happened to Phayu, and a red haze dropped over him as he heard about the things Aaron had done. He would kill the man if he ever saw him! Cake's part in the story made him furious, but her helping Phayu at least raised his opinion of her higher than Aaron at least.

They tried to bandage him up, but he waved them off wanting a shower first. Holding back the urge to wrap him in bubble wrap, Rain let his lover get  up and walk to the door in the back that led to a  bathroom.

"Uhhh...I'll let you guys have some privacy,"

Act patted Rain's  shoulder as he left the office, and the door shut behind him. Feeling a bit sorry Rain got up, and locked the door and stripped down in the office and made his way to the door Phayu had gone through.

He slowly walked into the bathroom and the shower came into view, and for a moment he just stared at his back as the muscles flexed as he raised his arms to run hands through his wet hair. He pulled the handle of the door, and stepped inside and wrapped his arms around Phayu from behind.

"Come to give me a helping hand," Phayu joked.

Rain knew he was trying to make him feel better, but he wouldn't let him take this from him. It was his job to make sure he really was kiss away the pain if need be. He pressed a kiss to the firm muscle of his back; his lips wet from the water and his hair clinging to his face from pressing his cheek to Phayu's skin.

"Do you have any more bruises?"

Phayu shifted and turned around, and gently grasped Rain's face in his hands.

"I'm fine Rain...You don't have to..."

He stopped speaking as Rain reached up, and gently pulled the hand on his cheek away and kissed the raw wrist. A firm look in his eyes as his gaze filled with such love it threatened to take Phayu's breath away.

" Now...anymore bruises?"

Mesmerized Phayu raised his other hand, and watched with laser focus as Rain kissed his wrist as gently as he'd kissed the other. The two of them doing inventory of his body as Rain kissed every bruise, and the entire time his eyes remained filled with such love Phayu couldn't comprehend its vastness.

Finally he couldn't help him self and guided Rain's upturned face to his, and kissed him sweetly and slowly. He pushed every ounce of feeling into that kiss. He had always been the one to take care of his lovers, but this was the first time he'd felt so taken care cherished.

The kiss pushed them to their limits as hot tongues swept over plush bottom lips, and plunged into equally hot mouths. Breathing was only a wish as they refused to separate even as their lungs begged for oxygen. So enamored by the others skin they could only sink into each other, and only separated because if they were to die from a kiss they couldn't repeat this moment again.

The two of them dragged shuddering breaths in as they pressed their foreheads together, and Phayu asked the question that was on his mind.

"How can you look at me like that?"

He pressed a quick kiss to the swollen mouth in front of him, and felt the corner curve up as at pressed into his.

" You mean like you hold my world in your hands? I don't know when I fell in love with you so hard you felt like a part of me, but if I were to answer the question the answer would easily be...because you look at me like that. So how could I not show you a heart that echoes yours?"

With that Rain pressed one last kiss to Phayu's lips, and reached around him to turn the water off.

"I wish we could stay here like this, but we have things to deal with. Not to mention there's a lot to fill you in on," Rain caressed Phayu's cheek again.

'After this....' He let his eyes convey the words to him, and watched the playful smile he knew well spread over his lovers face.

They shared one last kiss before toweling off, and getting ready. Phayu  pulled Act aside on their way out, and then they made their way home. 'Home,' Rain liked the way he thought that as they drove to Phayu's house. However, that would be for another time, especially since as they pulled up to the house lights filled the house.

Rain sheepishly looked at Phayu as he realized that the others had noticed he was gone. Not to mention he had been gone for over an hour, but something told him he would be forgiven as soon as they saw who was with them. The two of them got out  of the car after shutting the engine off, and walked into the house.

Photo: Courtesy of  @LinDinh on Pinterest

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