Section 10 - The Black Skull

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Obadiah Steelhemor
"It's been a day or two, Jimmy. Good to see you again."

Jimmy Youssef
"Killing you frees Texas, and I'll accomplish my mission."

Amile applies pressure on some of Aaron's wounds.

Aaron Kosminski
"You have to help Jimmy. He'll lose that fight on his own."

"What? Save your breath, Aaron. Im getting you out of here."

Back to Jimmy and Obadiah.

Obadiah Steelhemor
"Your friend's in pretty bad shape."

Jimmy Youssef
"Thanks to you."

Obadiah Steelhemor
"I always wondered why people referred to you as The Black Skull. You don't wear a helmet, scars, or anything to prove that persona. You've never played it. How fascinating."

Jimmy Youssef
"The Black Skull hasn't revealed his true colors yet, Obadiah. But's different."

Obadiah Steelhemor
"I'm so scared."

Obadiah fires a warning shot towards Jimmy's feet. Once that occurs, Jimmy bolts towards Obadiah. The founder firing multiple shots at the running leader. Once Jimmy gets closer, a shot to the chest is enough to cause Obadiah to fall on his back.

Jimmy slowly approaches Obadiah, his revolver pointed at his head.

Jimmy Youssef
"Looks like you failed, Obadiah."

A laugh from the near-lifeless founder.

Obadiah Steelhemor
"Oh Jimmy...I already won..." another laugh to cut off his sentence.

Jimmy Youssef
"No you didn't. I won this battle, and I'll win the next!"

Obadiah Steelhemor
"You think Texas is the only location I have under my thumb?"

Jimmy Youssef
"What are you talking about?"

Obadiah Steelhemor
"You'll see...if you live long enough..."

With Obadiah's last words screwed in Jimmy's head, the Steelhemor finally passes.

Jimmy Youssef
"What the hell..."

Jimmy remembers Aaron and his condition. He runs down the small hill he ran up, approaching Aaron, a fighter, and Amile.

Jimmy Youssef
"What's his status?"

"The stagecoach is too lit to move. He's stuck under there. And if it spreads further, he'll get set on fire!"

"There has to be a way. We just won!"

Jimmy Youssef
"Save the celebration for when Aaron is out of this mess."

Aaron Kosminski

Jimmy Youssef
"Save your breath, brother."

Amile finally comes up with an idea.

"Can one of the horses ram the stagecoach? Is it possible?"

"One, that's suicide, two, the horse wouldn't ram a physical object that's in front of them and they know they can avoid it."

"Okay then someone's gonna have to sacrifice their hands then."

Jimmy Youssef
"I'll do it."

Without hesitation, Jimmy uses his bare hands to push the firey stagecoach off of Aaron, freeing the man. The fighter as well as Amile clap for their leader/hero as the light quickly dims to celebration. The entire town of Westcover is stuck in celebration for years to come, the government not doing a damn thing about it.

It wasn't long for the surrounding states to follow in Jimmy's footsteps. Multiple of the states were liberated of significant crime riddled throughout the burrows. Many agencies, military groups, and coalitions were formed in the making. During this time, Jimmy and his revolution came to an end. As the new year rolled around, 1892 was brought to celebration once more. Jimmy Youssef and his accomplice Amile were married on September 2nd.

With the marriage of Amile and Jimmy, Aaron Kosminski moved on to serve a greater purpose in the streets of Britain, many...many...miles away from Westcover, Texas. The town was grateful for Jimmy's sacrifice and his dedication to freeing the poor state. Aaron will be missed, but Jimmy always told himself that they'd cross paths again.

The following month, October, Jimmy and Amile moved to northern Texas, away from the town of Westcover. They settled on a farm, where Jimmy became farmer of course. Amile didn't want to stop fighting, so she decided her only course of action was to join one of the various coalitions in the United States. She ended up joining California's "Brown Bears" coalition. It wasn't long before Jimmy missed that lifestyle too. He always felt the need to bring the bad guys down.

In 1893, Jimmy tuned 44. The scar on his right shoulder reminds him that his days of fighting on the wrong side, paid off. When he had kids, he always told them that "everything happens for a reason." The Youssef bloodline only continued on from there.

Near the end of 1893, Jimmy took up the opportunity again to become Westcover's leader. This also came with a difficult choice, leaving Amile. She wanted to continue serving her coalition, instead of being by Jimmy's side. Knowing that he fought for the town of Westcover, Jimmy left Amile to her life in the coalition, and became the mayor.

Several years pass, the born leader now 60 years old. The town of Westcover has never been better. The townsfolk continuously talk about their brave mayor, and his name hasn't left their mouths for a long time. During a speech, Jimmy couldn't help but notice a young boy wearing a black skull helmet. This brought a tear to his eye, a helmet he always wanted to wear for his alias. He gives the boy a nod, which closes the day.

ArchiveStudios' Crimeverse © presents...

The Divide

Story by:
Dylan Henthorne

Published by:

Authors involved:
Dylan Henthorne
Ishan Deever
Michael Sord
Kane Mcsteen
Secret author #1
Secret author #2

Jimmy Youssef character development by:
Michael Mcsteen and Ishan Deever

Location history by:
Dylan Henthorne

Side characters development by:
Dylan Henthorne

Thank you to the authors who contributed to this story.

Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

Mexico representative
"I don't understand Mr. Steelhemor. You convinced the council of a world war?"

Obadiah Steelhemor
"What better way to clean the filth off our nations? I want to ensure my business thrives after I'm gone."

Mexico representative
"You seem confident in your death sentence, Mr. Steelhemor. Don't you have kids?"

Obadiah Steelhemor
"I have two, actually...and they're ready to step in..."

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