Section 2 - The Remanent

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"I'm outside the structure."

A woman knocks on a locked door.

"Hello!? It's said the next time I see you to yell that I'm outside the structure!"

Jimmy unlocks and opens the door, examining the woman before letting her in. After engaging the locks once more, Jimmy turns to interrogation.

Jimmy Youssef
"Were you followed Amile?"

"No I was not followed!"

Amile moves her fingers through her silver white hair, examining Jimmy herself to make sure this interaction isn't a trap.

Jimmy Youssef
"Streets are dangerous, I can't be too sure. My name's Jimmy Youssef, I'm planning to break the crime grip on the state. I need your help."

"That's what this is about? I coulda went to a cantina today."

Jimmy Youssef
"Enough of that, I need your help, desperately. Please help me."

"Just because I talk to you, doesn't mean I want to help you break the state's grip. I have a life."

Jimmy Youssef
"So you would rather have your life taken from you? Crime is around every single corner!"

"I'm not impatient, the new era is right around the corner Jimmy."

Jimmy Youssef
"It'll be the collapse of America."

Amile doesn't have to think before leaving Jimmy's hideout. He stands there alone, staring at the cold metal door. Eventually, he decides to sleep, since it's late and he's been up for 24 hours planning out his crime break.

The next day, Jimmy needs to stock up on supplies. This demand makes him head to a market. The market is very small in Westcover. Texas didn't offer many unique towns and cities, as there weren't many tall buildings to explore. Considering it was the near-end of the 1800's, tall buildings barely existed. Westcover was the only town in Texas that barely had enough homes to house the homeless.

The market is where Jimmy first heard the last name "Steelhemor." That name will be brought up later, so remember it. Jimmy discovers the last name, but he doesn't think too much of it. He doesn't know why it's so important, but it ties to the steel factories outside of Westcover. Fortunately, the steel factories were Jimmy's primary targets. A local bandit gang calling themselves, "The Red Burette", which in the future that name will sound stupid, have been terrorizing arriving and embarking citizens near the boarder of Westcover.

The small city of Westcover is quite large, but still couldn't house enough of its residents. The steel factories were Jimmy's primary targets, but he needed a team. The market sold him food items and some hydration items, allowing him to return to his safehouse.

After stocking up on supplies, Jimmy tries inventing his own weapon to use in his head-on assault on the steel factories. He ends up finding a piece of paper near the entrance to his safe house. It was posted on a wall, displaying a familiar name that Jimmy will hear again. Obadiah Steelhemor, founder of Steelhemor industries.

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