Section 9 - Home away from home

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A ringing sound occurs in Jimmy's ear. To his left, Aaron appears wounded on the floor of the third factory. Obadiah and his mercenaries leaving out the back door to escape the factory. Jimmy looks down to see a bullet wound in his chest, it's the end of the road for Jimmy's revolution.

Jimmy can barely hear anything, everything's ringing instead of making sense. The air grows cold, which is rare in Texas. Out of nowhere however, a fighter drags Jimmy out of the factory, leaving the weakened Aaron behind. Once consciousness comes back to the weakened leader, Jimmy opens his eyes, and everything starts to come in more clearly.

"Jimmy...we won!"

The fighters cheer, causing a headache for Jimmy. He stands after noticing the factories on fire.

Jimmy Youssef
"Did Aaron make it out?"

A pat on Jimmy's back.

Aaron Kosminski
"Sure did partner."

Jimmy turns to face his second-in-command.

Jimmy Youssef
"This...this has won. But Obadiah is still alive. Ready to cause more pain on this town."

Aaron Kosminski
"You need to soak in the victory first, my friend. Its coming close to the end of the Wild West."

Jimmy Youssef
"I want to make sure generations remember this day. The day common folk liberated a town riddled with filth."

Aaron Kosminski
"They'll remember, my friend."

Jimmy Youssef
"You're a good kid, Aaron. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

After Jimmy's appreciation towards Aaron concludes, a fighter approaches with a woman standing next to him. Jimmy looks over to spot a familiar friend.

"Good to see you, old friend."

Jimmy Youssef
"Y- you're alive! We haven't seen you for ages! Barely any updates either!"

"The city isn't what it used to be. Barely any communication from those couriers."

Jimmy Youssef
" came back at the right time."

"I sure did, buddy."

As it seems, Jimmy's revolution continues to fight on. After the factories were raided, several militia groups in New Mexico, Arizona, Wyoming, Idaho, and Louisiana take up the fight to liberate the United States of crime. No news from the government comes in as it seems the U.S. is allowing these operations to be carried out.

16 hours later...

"We have no safehouse. Lightenhouse will stop at nothing to assume control of Westcover and spread the law across Texas."

Jimmy Youssef
"I won't allow the influence of Lightenhouse spread across this town. This is my town now. I want independence from the government to be mayor."

"They won't do that. You just did them a favor love."

Jimmy turns to Amile, holding her hands.

Jimmy Youssef
"I have one more score to settle before I take up the mantle."

"You still want to kill Obadiah?"

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