Section 5 - Welcome back, Chicago

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Amile lays outside one of the Steelhemor steel factories near Westcover, which is away from the other steel factories on the other side, and not very guarded. Jimmy runs up to the injured woman, who appears to have a bullet wound in the left shoulder.

"Help me you 40 year old bastard!"

Jimmy Youssef
"What have you done!?"

"What you couldn't."

Jimmy attempts to secure Amile's wound, at least until the factory is secure.

Jimmy Youssef
"I didn't know this factory was even running. I thought it was just the group of 'em."

"I said."

Jimmy Youssef
"You're losing consciousness."

A couple fighters enter the factory while Jimmy tends to Amile.

Jimmy Youssef
"Once the gentlemen inside have been cleared out, I'll move you in. Just a standard highwaymen gang right?"


Jimmy Youssef

"Youngbloods you goddamn FOOL!"

Jimmy Youssef
"Who are the Youngbloods Amile? You're talking crazy. I don't think you're in the right mind."

"A- are you- were you...were you happy I came- b- b- back?"

Jimmy Youssef
"Stay with me Amile!"

"I need to- to know...Jimmy Youssef."

A fighter finally comes to help Jimmy with Amile.

"Other resistance fighters are inside boss, you gotta get moving! I'll stabilize her back at the safehouse."

Jimmy Youssef
"Are you sure?"

"I might be certain-"

The fighter gets shot in the back of the head. The barrel of a revolver smokes after being shot. Jimmy turns his head to spot a very well-dressed man holding said revolver.

Obadiah Steelhemor
"Not exactly how I wanted to meet, Mr. Youssef."

Jimmy Youssef

Jimmy slowly stands with his hands raised.

Obadiah Steelhemor
"I have to ask, because personally I'm a man of thought. Why 'the black skull', Hm?"

Jimmy hasn't used that alias name in a long time. Perhaps he heard about it in a newspaper.

Jimmy Youssef
"I think- I think you got me confused with somebody else."

Obadiah Steelhemor
"Tell me my kill count, Jimmy."

It seems Obadiah knows all about Jimmy's plans. Which means...he has someone on the inside. Jimmy knew Obadiah was a killer, but he didn't want to believe the stories about him murdering the competition. He's just a company man...not a killer...not a killer...

Jimmy Youssef
"In just a couple seconds, my men will rush out here and blast you. I recommend lowering your revolver so we can settle our differences."

Obadiah Steelhemor
"Oh no, Mr. Youssef. I'm not here to kill you or even defend one of my hundreds of factories. I'm here to deliver a message from a superior of mine. He said to tell you he remembers what you did back at the kingpin's house."


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