Section 3 - History is history

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Obadiah Steelhemor, founder of Steelhemor industries. One of the largest public figures to own multiple steel factories in Texas and Westcover alone. He was a 400 lbs bullshitter with red hair, like a ginger, and a height of 6"1. According to documentation, Obadiah killed over 700 wealthy contestants during a trial run for companies in Mississippi.

Jimmy had to do some research on Obadiah's history. The research happened for nearly six days, which caused Jimmy to lose time.

A new team was assembled, multiple fighters sharing the same vision as Jimmy. One of which, was Aaron Kosminski, a barber in one of Texas' suburban areas. He was 17 years old, 5"6 in height, which is quite impressive. According to fellow colleagues, Aaron was Irish, American, and German. Strange combination, Jimmy thought.

All fighters started training, but they weren't under a faction name. Jimmy didn't want to make a name for them yet, so he decided to just call them standard fighters. After endlessly training for 6 hours, Jimmy finally gets some sleep. His sleep is then interrupted by a familiar voice.


Jimmy Youssef
"Who- who the hell is there?"

"It's Amile.

This causes Jimmy to spring out of bed.

Jimmy Youssef
"AMILE! Hey...what are you doing in my safehouse? Who let you in?"

"A man at the door did. I said I was here before them and the man was kind enough to let me in. So, you're actually doing in?"

Jimmy Youssef
"I told you, Amile. I want to release the crime grip on the state. I want to make books."

"What makes the infamous Jimmy Youssef think the world will just stand by him after that though? You're just one man."

Jimmy Youssef
"One man, can change everything. So long as connections are made, and people are fed. That's all that matters."

A fighter enters Jimmy's room.

"Convoy's coming in now."

Jimmy Youssef


Jimmy Youssef
"Classified business sweetheart, I gotta go. Stay if you'd like, maybe finally join?"

Jimmy gets dressed, getting to piece of cloth to hide his face. Upon exiting the safe house, a few fighters got the stagecoach to stop moving. Jimmy approaches, his piece of cloth still covering his face.

Stagecoach driver
"I told you fellas! I work for the banking company up north. These supplies were bought by Steelhemor and I'm taking them to him right now. Would you please be so kind to MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!"

Another man approaches from the front of the stagecoach. It's an unfamiliar man Jimmy and the rest of the fighters don't recognize. It's a man with a badge on his shoulder, most likely the sheriff of WestCover, who does nothing but sit on his ass.

Sheriff Lightenhouse
"How we doing today gentlemen?"

"What do you want sheriff? Finally decided to come out of your hole!?"

Sheriff Lightenhouse
"Now come on, this coach is off limits to the public."

Jimmy approaches Lightenhouse slowly.

Jimmy Youssef
"You barely have jurisdiction in these parts, sheriff. You don't run your town accordingly, you milk its money. I think it's best to stand aside."

Sheriff Lightenhouse
"You threatening me, boy?"

Jimmy Youssef
"I'm not your 'boy' nor am I one. You'll talk to me like a man, understand?"

Sheriff Lightenhouse
"Well then..."

Lightenhouse pulls out a roll of rope, aggressively turning Jimmy around to attempt a tie of the hands. Jimmy immediately turns as he was already turned, punching Sheriff Lightenhouse in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Lightenhouse tries to catch his breath. The 44 year old has had breathing problems since he was promoted to sheriff.

Jimmy Youssef
"Did you get the warning, sheriff? You're a man of law, yet our streets are petrified with FILTH!"

Stagecoach driver

A fighter grabs the driver, pulling him off.

"Kill him boss! We need a statement!"

Jimmy looks at the stressed driver.

Stagecoach driver
"I- I didn't do nothing! I followed directions!"

Jimmy Youssef
"This man is unarmed, that's not what we do here. We're stealing the coach for the weapons."

Stagecoach driver

A fighter checks the stagecoach's armored interior. Inside, no weaponry was found, only bonds.

"We're screwed!"

Sheriff Lightenhouse
"You damn fools! You've doomed us all!"

Jimmy Youssef
"What are you talking about you corrupt bastard?"

Sheriff Lightenhouse
"I'm the goddamn savior of this nation! This state! This country! The only reason this town is still standing is because of my effort to keep the gangs away!"

Jimmy Youssef
"You can't be a 'savior', you haven't saved anyone from being attacked and pushed around. Robbed, killed."

Sheriff Lightenhouse
"I tired...I tried."

A couple lawmen approach the incident.

Sheriff Lightenhouse
"No inmates! Kill them!"

The lawmen open fire without hesitation. The fighters aren't equipped with good weaponry, so many are shot and killed. Jimmy has to run behind the stagecoach to avoid the bullets, which was no issue.

A couple more fighters from the safe house, which was dangerously close to this battle, arrive and fire at the lawmen. Jimmy doesn't recognize the weaponry the newly arrived fighters are equipped with. Then, he knows where they came from. Amile walks past those fighters, equipped with a beautiful shotgun. The gun fires, multiple lawmen going down at once. Jimmy managed to get a pistol shot in, but the lawman he hit survived the shot, and he ran.

"Holy shit."

Jimmy looks over at Amile, smiling at her.

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