Grey glared playfully at him.

"Shut up," He huffed, failing to vanish his beetle again. 

He glanced around at the class to see if anyone else had managed it and his eyes glazed over Dumbledore's moving form. 

Pain exploded across his skull without warning. An involuntary gasp escaped his lips. 

"You alright?" Richard asked softly.

"My head." Grey just managed to whisper, clutching at his head. 

A look of knowing concern overtook Richard's face. 

"You need to go to the hospital wing."

"No."Grey hissed.

"Don't be an idiot Grey."

Grey glanced at Richard, tears stinging his eyes as he fought to hold them back. The pain was more intense than any migraine so far. With a frustrated sigh, Grey raised his hand, forgetting he had been picking at the now open wound. He saw Dumbledore notice his hand, but the pain was too great to see his subtle double take at the sight of the bleeding palm. 

"Yes, Mr Willow?" He asked, keeping his voice steady. 

"Sorry sir, my head, may I go, Hospital wing." Grey managed to tensely mumble. 

Dumbledore nodded and Grey practically flew from his seat and into the corridor. He was sure his head would explode. Nothing else could explain pain this bad. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he paused in the corridor. His senses were totally overwhelmed. It was all he could manage to stumble across the hall, into an empty classroom, and slump to the floor in the cool darkness. 

This was torture.

Footsteps sounded outside as a figure was calling his name. Suddenly, someone entered the room and crouched down in front of him.


Grey peered up into the anxious face of Dumbledore. The professor's blue eyes were scanning him rapidly and he reached over to feel the boy's forehead. But before his hand contacted his skin, Grey was thrown into darkness. 

Images flash before his eyes again. 

Steadier now, more clear.

It is Grindelwald again. 

Shrouded in darkness, he stands in a damp stone room. It's dark out. 

The long-haired boy stands near the window, wand in hand.

"Do you understand?" Grindelwald asks. His voice is not how Grey expected. It's almost soft, and gentle, with a calming Eastern European accent. 

The boy looks at him, his face is always sad. 

"I've tried to," He murmurs. He's American. "I'm just confused."

"Tycho Dodonus was a great seer, greater than me." Grindelwald stalks over to the boy. "One prophecy spoke of you, but there is another my boy."

He places a hand on the younger's shoulder. The younger leans into his touch.

"Like you, I must find them too."

The scene changes rapidly.

He's stood in a square courtyard. He can almost feel the cold wind rustling the pines. 

The gravel crunches behind him. He turns rapidly. 

Grindelwald stands, wand in hand, pointing beyond him.

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