"I hope you all are enjoying!!" He smiled, emphasizing the scar on his left cheek.

"Yes," they all responded happily.

"It's time. Here comes the cursed child of our land who will be tortured once again as we hope she kills herself one day and liberates us from her plague!" He shouted in a loud and angry tone, and a noise of anger and hatred rose from every corner, leaving me really curious about who they were referring to as a cursed child.

It was evident in their eyes and tone how deeply they hated this person. They really longed for her death, like it was what their lives depended on.

"Bring her in!!" The Alpha cut in, and from behind the stage, a helpless girl was dragged out.

Everyone's eyes moved to her, trailing every of her moves as their aggressive yellings aggravated, cursing and calling her all sorts of evil names.

She walked out, barely on her own, as they were pulling her hair and clothes forward, giving her no breathing space.

She looked wasted, worn out, and bruised badly. Her hair was scattered around her face, with her shaky hands and legs chained with shackles that were tight enough to bruise her, while a collar was circled around her neck with another bodyguard tugging at it.

"These people are really wicked to treat their fellow this cruelly, no matter her crime." I mumbled, feeling irked.

I watched as they brought in a big rectangular box filled with what I could sense as wolfsbane and silver mixed together and bubbling like hot oil. It was placed beside her, and my eyes widened as I realized that was the torture they were talking about.

The poor girl would be buried there. I read a lot about werewolves, and I know exactly how deadly and extremely painful a touch of that mixture could be.

"Raise your head, evil child, and look at the people you betrayed!!" The Alpha thundered at her, and she trembled, fear oozing all over her as she slowly raised her limping head up, and there and then, I saw who she was. I could recognize those pretty oceanic blue eyes, and they seemed to be looking straight at me, dim and hopelessly.

"What! No!!" I gasped, feeling my heart stop right inside my chest. My palms became sweaty, and my hands were shaking uncontrollably. I could not seem to catch my breath, no matter how hard I tried.

Everything around me seems to be moving in slow motion, as if time has come to a standstill. My thoughts are a jumbled mess, as if my mind is trying to process too much at once. I feel like I'm drowning in my own fear and shock.

I tried to move, but my body felt like it was glued to the spot. I couldn't muster the strength to do anything, even though my mind was screaming at me to move and do something.

"That's her!" My vampire beast screamed too, with rage and the urge to run in there and protect her, but neither of us could do anything.

My eyes were wide open, trying to take everything in, but I couldn't just focus on anything. It was as if I was in a trance, watching as everything unfolded before me, but unable to take any action.

She began to cry, begging for mercy, but no one listened. Instead, she received slaps at any attempt to restrain her. Her chilling, sorrowful screech echoed through the whole crowd, and I watched in pain as she was thrown in and the box shut and locked.

The Luna was beaming, feeling so satisfied and pleased as she enjoyed the whole scene.

Just then, someone rushed in and whispered something to the Alpha, who in turn shuddered and turned to the crowd, anger in his eyes.

"We just found out that the guards along the secret route weren't the only ones she killed. There are also the mangled bodies of our members deep inside the forest. She butchered them mercilessly!!" The Alpha relayed, and there was chaos. Venom in their eyes and voice as their hateful voice directed at the poor girl sizzling in extreme pain.

"Have you found the wolf girl since you came?" Jake's voice came from behind as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, unconcerned about what was going on up there.

He became curious when he saw my stern face and the anger in my eyes.

"What is wrong?" He asked, and I spun to face him, my lips pursed.

"She is the one inside that confinement? What they accused her of was done by you?. Jaden, is she the one you saved " He threw all the questions at me with surprise all over his face as he peered intently at me.

I quickly pulled up a grimace, gawking at him.

"Can you stop spitting rubbish before I am forced to hit you. She isn't the one, and I'm just shocked to see how she is treated. I know werewolves are evil, but I didn't know that they can treat their fellows like mortal enemies." I hissed in annoyance.

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. But we should be happy seeing them help us get rid of themselves." He laughed, but I couldn't laugh with him. I was getting really pissed over his nosing around and asking me questions like he was interrogating me.

"Can you leave me now? We agreed to spread out, isn't it?" I rasped, and his face squeezed in a quizzical look.

"It sounds like you're chasing..."

"Jake, get the fuck out of...." My voice hung as the sharp screech of a dying soul echoed through the entire place, coming right from the stage. It was from the poor girl struggling inside the confinement and fighting for her life. My heart stung and felt like it was pierced with a lance.

I stared at the box and could see it wavering from her constant fight with the excruciating pain she would be facing.

"Jake, you were good in history. How long does it take for a werewolf to survive a torture of wolfsbane and silver?" I asked, and he thought for some time and gave me the answer, which struck me with fear as I instantly gasped, my blood running cold as I realized just one thing.

She would die eventually.

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