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Severus Snape's P.O.V

Lilly was going over what we would today, but I couldn't focus on a word she said, I turn to look at Evans , that stupid girl, I can't believe we are going to be working together, that stupid girl, with her stupid smile and her short summer dress looking all perfect, but something has changed since she came back, the happy glow on her face has dimmed a bit, and I swear I saw a faint bruise that looked like a handprint on her thigh when her dress rode up a bit, but I brushed it off, Evans then turns to me and catches me staring at her, I quickly look back and focus on something James said.

Rose Evans's P.O.V

We all walk out the door and go to our first location, it's a park by our old house where we used to meet, when we got there I was pleasantly surprised and happy, it looks more or less the same, me and Sirius look at each other then run to the swings, we used to do that as kids Lilly and Remus push as high as they can, gosh it feel so nostalgic being back here after years.

After our little park trip, we went to an amusement park, we played games and ate so much greasy food, they deep fry .... EVERYTHING. we were at a carnival game. Where James, Sirius, Remus, Lucius And Snape played toss the bean bag and they all won a stuffed animal, James gave his to lily, Lucius gave his to Narcissa, Remus and Sirius gave theirs to Harry and Draco, and the Snape looked around and gave me his with a shrug of his shoulder, I smile and thank him, probably felt bad for me, and probably the nicest thing he'll do for me.

We went to a pop-up street. I don't know what to call them, but it was fun, they had so many mini arcade games and so many food trucks.

We all reached home about 1 am, full and burnt- the- fuck- out.

Everyone started to go back to their homes and harry went to bed, while we 3 popped out some wine.

2 hours later and childhood memories spilled, we decided to call it a night, we went up to our room and crashed on our bed.

I never realised how much I missed being here, if only I wasn't so stupid, with all the burning thoughts in my head I fall into a deep slumber.

Severus Snape's P.O.V

I step out of the floo and go to my room, today was one of the best days I've had In my life, but one thing I can't seem to shake off my mind, that little smile on her face when I gave her a big fluffy stuffed cat, gosh and when the wind lifted her dress just a bit, I swear I feel like I'm losing my mind, and her witty mouth will be the death of me, how are we supposed to work together without me losing my remaining sanity, what was Albus thinking, I got ready for bed and then lied down, trying to sleep with a certain girl in my mind.

*The next day*

Rose Evans's P.O.V

I wake up with a slight headache, must be from all the wine we had, I look to my window and see Snape's owl pecking at my window.

I walk up to it and grab the letter, he wants me to go potion ingredient hunting with him to get comfortable doing it.

I get up and get ready, I wear a long sleeved slightly cropped top with some cargo pants with boots and I put my hair in a ponytail.

I eat breakfast and head out, I wonder what twisted shit we would find ourselves in today.

*Time Skip*

I walk over to the outer back of Hagrid's hut where I see Snape waiting for me.

"There you are, I've been waiting for a while." He says annoyed, "Jeez, sorry, now what do you want me to do?" I bite back.

"We are going into the forest to search for some rare and very poisonous plants, they help in making potions more potent." "Alright." We walked for a while and we reached a deep end of the forest, to be honest I'm a little creeped out.

*Time skip*

We got what he needed and was on the way back up to the castle, but on the way I lost my footing and almost rolled of the high land but before I could hit the ground, two hands grabbed my hips and pulled me up, we both stare at each other, midnight black meets chocolate brown, it felt like some fairy tale shit, at that moment everything around us faded, But all to quickly we both get pulled to reality and become aware of his hands tightly gripping my hips, we quickly pulled apart and turned our gaze to the floor, we both walk up to the castle in complete silence, and after a painstakingly long time we finally reach his....scratch that, our office, I turn to him, "Umm, thanks for saving me there.", "It's alright.". "I should go now, see ya." I walk to the fireplace and go to The Potter's house.

Lily and James went shopping with harry as he need some things, I go to my room and change into something comfortable, after that I grab a tub of ice cream and watch a movie trying to forget what happened and get the feeling of his hands on my hips.

A/N- YESSSSS ANOTHER CHAPTER, i really tried to make longer chapters but i wrote this in the middle of my exams but now that i'm done i can hopefully update frequently, thanks for being patient.

A/N  - ok guys, my exams are over and after monday summer break starts,i love seeing my stories grow in such a short time, i promise i will bring more longer chapters, thank you all for being patient.

A Love No One Knew (Snape x OC ff)Where stories live. Discover now