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Rose Evans's P.O.V

I just landed at Heathrow Airport, and I got my luggage, I'm waiting for Lily and James to pick me up.

I just came back from 10 years of being abroad, but that's something I would like to leave in the past.

There!, I see them, I run and hug Lily, man it feels good to be home.

"Hi sis, I missed you guys" I sigh with satisfaction. "We missed you too" she said into my hair as she rubbed my back, I let go of Lily and see James looking sad and annoyed and then I go hug James "I missed you too Jamie" I chuckled.

After all the greetings we go to the car and James help me load my trunks into the car, and we are off to Godric's Hollow.

After we reach, I go inside and see Sirius and Remus watching T.V with Harry, ignoring them both I go and hug harry , while I leave a stunned and furious Sirius and a laughing Remus on the couch.

"I missed you so much bubba", I say while Lily and James laugh.

I finally turn to Sirius and Remus, "I missed you guys too", I sit down "so guys what happened here when I went M.I.A for ten years, spill". Oh, and spill they did.

"Wait so Reggie took up Siri's place in the lords?, and Moony and Padfoot have jobs at Hogwarts?", "Jesus, that's a lot to take in, and to top it off lily is pregnant again, Amazing, Congrats by the way". "Yea it is been a crazy ten years", Lilly said with a smile.

"So, Rose, now that your back you're going to need a job, what are you going to do about that?" James asked.

"Oh, Dumbledore offered me a job as a teaching assistant for the potions professor, though he didn't tell me who it was, I meant at this point I would do anything for a job, ok maybe not anything, but yall get the point" Everyone in the room froze, well, except harry, he was still watching T.V.

"What's wrong, you guys froze for a sec,are you guys alright?" Everyone looked at each other and the lily spoke up "umm sis, has you view on Severus changed?"

"My view on Snape, ya that won't change even if he saved my life, I still hate him, and I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual,........ why?"

"Umm then we have a  slight problem, Sev Teaches Potions", Everyone stays quiet waiting for my reaction, and a reaction they got. 

"WHAT! oh Hell to the NO, I can't work with him, we would kill each other in the middle of the first class".

"You have that much patience?" Remus jokes. "I mean sis you did say you would do anything" lily said, "ya it's either that or a stripper" James added jokingly after a long silence I say, "Anyone got a fat stack of ones?" I say slightly desperate, everyone starts laughing. "I hate you guys" I say with a grin. It really did feel good to be back home.

A Love No One Knew (Snape x OC ff)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang