Chapter 23 - Guilt And Regret

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Title - Secret Second Marriage
Written by Taexzoe

Hey loves,
I was supposed to post thi on my birthday (27th March) but I couldn't as I got busy so I thought to post today and make your day. As you guys always make my day.

Author Pov
Jungkook's Mom and Dad still didn't have any guilt or regret. The fact their son left them because of their bad behaviour towards his wife they still didn't change

It was their loss though, as they have now missed out on meeting their grandbaby and probably would not get another chance ever again. They were still stuck with their thoughts that they were right and they would still continue with their mentality of that even now. And they were definitely wrong and they still failed to understand that.

Jungkook's Mom - You should talk to yo your son!
She said to her husband while sipping on her tea.

Jungkook's Dad - Yeah you are right!
He said and took out his phone to talk his son.

On Call
Jungkook's Dad - Yo it's your dad, are you home right now?
He waited a bit for his son to respond as his wife looked over at him now and was wondering what was up. She looked at him and then listened as well, trying to hear what his son was responding with.

Jungkook - Didn't I tell you not to call me ever again?
He said in a cold tone.

Jungkook's Dad - Yeah yeah whatever now here is the deal..if you can't listen to me then I am firing you from the company!
He yelled.

That definitely set him off as he didn't respond kindly to his father yelling at him and he shouted.

Jungkook - Fire me, I really don't care.
He said, It was clear he was not going to let his father talk as rudely as he did to him. As well as the fact that he was being treated like a child instead of a CEO, which was completely inappropriate to act to him like this. His whole tone was harsh and he sounded very mad now.

Jungkook's Dad - Oh really you got some nerves to talk back huh!!!
He was getting furious.

Jungkook was not going to let his father yell at him like this. He had reached a point where he felt like he needed to shout or be loud now in order to stand up for himself properly.

Jungkook - Yeah do I have some damn nerves to talk back, can't you see that already?
He shouted back, and the people in the back room could also hear the shouting as it was so loud too.

Jungkook's Dad - You are crossing the line Jeon Jungkook.
He said and grind his teeth.

Jungkook - Oh yeah you are mad that I crossed the line right now after you crossed literally ten of them already?? Who do you think you are!?? You didn't even raise me properly so you don't get to act like you did anything for me!

Jungkook - Yeah yeah now you want to use the 'I raised you' card huh!?? Guess what, I literally learnt nothing new from you. I learnt more from my wife and my in-laws than you ever did! All you did was  put me on a leash and you kept watching over everything I do!

Jungkook - You forced me to marry a woman first then when I married the love of my life leaving her you insult her I HATE YOU BOTH YOU BOTH RUNIED MY LIFE MY CHILDHOOD EVERYTHING!!
He yelled on top of his lungs.

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