Chapter 16 - Will He Come Back?

Start from the beginning

Yn was relaxing on the bench and suddenly she saw someone familiar at a distance. Her heart began to race and she looked harder to see if it was the person that she was thinking. She realized that it was indeed someone she knew and her hearts continued to race. She quickly got up and went to see if it was who she thought it was.

Yn could not believe her eyes as she recognized Jungkook standing in the distance. She couldn't believe that he was here and that he had returned. She ran towards him and yelled "Jungkook!" as she ran to meet him.

Jungkook's eyes widened as he saw her and he began to run. He was surprised to see her and he didn't know what to do. He had not expected to see her and he didn't know how to react. He was still running and she kept calling out "Jungkook" and he was trying to get away. She didn't know what was happening and she kept wondering why he was running from her. She wanted to catch him and ask him why he had left her and abandoned her and why he was running away from her now.

Yn did not realize when she was in the middle of the road. She was so focused on catching up to Jungkook and trying to talk to him. She was wondering what was going on and why he was running away from her. As she ran past the middle of the road, a car came from nowhere and hit her full force. She was sent flying and she landed on the pavement with a loud thud. The car braked in a hurry and the driver got down from the car. People gathered around her and called the ambulance to give first aid to her.

Jungkook saw the whole thing and he was frozen in his place. He didn't know what to do and he was shocked. He had never imagined that something like this would happen and he was filled with remorse and guilt for running away from her and abandoning her. He was too late to do anything now and he was paralyzed by his own guilt and shame.

- At Hospital

Yn was lying in the bed at the hospital. She was seriously injured and there were multiple tubes and wires connected to her body. She was in a lot of pain and her eyes were half closed as she was trying to recover and rest. She was hoping that Jungkook would visit and talk to her so she could understand why he had left her after they had just gotten married. Her family and friends were worried about her and they were praying for her recovery.

Yn's mother rushed into the room as soon as she heard about the accident. She was in tears as she saw her daughter in the bed with her injuries. She was worried sick about her daughter and she was praying for her recovery. She didn't know what to do and she was filled with emotions. Her father and brother entered the room after her and they were also shocked to see Yn in this condition.

Yn's family stayed with her as they were worried about her health. However, the doctors told them that they couldn't stay with her in the room as she was in a serious condition and needed to be monitored every hour. The family knew that she was in good hands and they felt comfortable leaving her with the doctors. They stayed behind to wait for her recovery and they were praying for her well being. They had to leave the hospital and go home because it was late hour and the hospital had strict rules about visiting time.

- At night

Yn was alone in the room and she was sleeping. She was exhausted and she hadn't moved for hours. Suddenly, she heard the door open and she felt a presence in her room. She slowly opened her eyes and saw someone standing in the doorway. She was shocked and she didn't know who this was. She tried to sit up to get a better look at the person.

But Yn was shocked to see her Jeon Jungkook sitting on a stool beside her bed. She was too weak to even talk and she just looked at him with her eyes full of tears. She wanted to ask him so many questions but she couldn't speak. She tried to grab his hand and hold it in hers but her body was too weak to even do that. She wanted to talk to him and know why he had left her and abandoned her.

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