Chapter 34: The Braves' Pyre

Start from the beginning

Bellona: and which one do YOU practice?

Ron: we bury our dead in a private cemetery.

Bellona: ‘Private Cemetery’?

Ron: [nods] yeah. A private cemetery where we bury family members only.

Bellona: wait a moment, if you have a private cemetery, that means you own a land.

Ron: [nods] yes. One of many benefits of becoming a ‘Lord’.

Bellona: [flabbergasted] a lord? Then you are more than just a simple high ranking knight!

Ron: I'm not a high ranking knight, I'm a Praetor.

Bellona: Aife had told me about your title. What is a “Praetor” exactly?

Ron: a Praetor is both a title and the name of the ‘Order’ that I'm a member of.

Ron wanted to say Program but doubts she would understand. Such word and concept might not have yet to be added to their vocabulary and would simply confuse her, adding more questions than answers.

Bellona: [surprised] you are a member of an Order?

Ron: [nods] yeah. It's called the Praetor Order. It's quite unique.

Bellona: why did you call it ‘unique’?

Ron: the Order is like a mixture of the Royal Guard and the Imperial Knights.

Bellona: [surprised] a mixture of the Royal Guard and Imperial Knights?

Ron: [nods] yes. We serve directly under the ‘King’ and the royal family, often as their personal guards whenever they leave the ‘Kingdom’ and as their enforcers, administering law and order to the land.

Ron said in half-truth. He could not tell her the actual purpose of their creation. It is  classified and she would not understand. If she did, she would either be afraid or be disgusted by him.

Bellona: [flabbergasted] that is more than Unique! Your Order is exactly like the Königliche Kriegers, The Swords and Shields of the Emperor!

Bellona exclaimed, gaining the attention of the people around her. She blushes when she saw everyone was looking at her and glared at Ron chuckling at her.

Bellona: [huffs] we will continue our conversation later.

Bellona then noticed her husband walking towards them with Leonard and a couple of knights following behind him. He and Leonard had worried looks on their faces.

Arthur: [worried] I heard you yelling. What is the problem, Bellona?

Leonard: [worried] what happened, mother?

Bellona: [sighs] forgive me. Ron had told me something very interesting that I could not help but exclaim in surprise.

Arthur: [curious] what did he tell you?

Bellona: [smiles] maybe later, in your office where we can talk privately.

Arthur: [nods] I understand.

Bellona: how are the preparations going?

Leonard: all are done, mother.

Bellona: then let us begin the event.

A minute later, The Braves' Pyre began and the townspeople went over to their deceased friends and loved ones laying peacefully on piles of wood. There were different reactions. There are those that were crying openly, those that were holding back their tears, and those that were silently giving respects with stoic expressions. But all of them shared the same feeling — grief.

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