06.) Chapter Six

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She woke up with a scream, eyes wild, chest heaving. Her wild reddish orange hair stuck out in random directions, a cold sweat covering her body. Bluish green eyes looked out the window at the rolling green hills. She took deep breaths, collecting her thoughts. Resting her head in her hands, Nina Andreas calmed down, somewhat dizzy. She brushed her hair, grabbing her rose eyepatch from her bedside table and putting it on. Nina's bedroom walls were covered in artworks, music lyrics, and animal sketches. She put on her red dress that stopped just above her knees, black pants, and black boots with a black belt with a rose buckle around her waist. On the skirt of her dress was a black rose imprint. She eyed her mother's old pirate hat with unease before leaving it to sit.

"Another nightmare?" her mother, Julianna Andreas, asked as Nina came downstairs to the dining room. Nina looked like the spitting image of her mother. Julianna just had darker hair, more freckles, and duller eyes. She placed a tall stack of pancakes on the table with a bottle of maple syrup and the butter dish.

"I guess," Nina shrugged, sitting across from her mother. "I don't remember what I dreamed. I usually do remember." She twirled a strand of her hair. "All I remember is this face, and that's it."

"Hmm, what did this face look like?" Julianna asked, taking a bite of her own pancakes. "Why not make a sketch? You normally do when you have one of your...dreams." Julianna hesitated, not knowing what to call Nina's nightly visions.

"Mom, wouldn't it be strange if I keep drawing strangers?" Nina questioned, eating her food. "How would it sound if I walked up to someone and said, 'I saw you in a dream and decided to draw you. What's your name?' It sounds weird!" She pointed out, making controlled gestures with her hands.

"Nina, tone," Julianna reminded, raising an eyebrow. Nina opened her mouth to protest but closed it. "Don't mention your dreams to anyone. It could be dangerous for you if someone found out. Remember–"

"I know, Mom! If anyone found out, I'd either be killed or sold to the highest bidder," Nina bitterly scoffed, glaring at her half-stack of pancakes. "You only tell me everyday." Her eyes widened. "Not that I don't care, I do! I'm always careful around others I don't know. I'm just tired of hearing everything." She winced, not meaning to come off as a bitter spoiled brat. "I know you just want to protect me."

Julianna sighed, putting her fork down. "Nina, promise me you will stay safe. I don't want to lose you, too." The older pirate put her napkin down and stood up. "I have another voyage to take. Hana will be here to watch you. Don't give her a hard time, and do your best in your studies if you are ever to take over the family business." She briskly left the dining room, heeled boots clacking with each step.

"Goodbye, Mom," Nina called, also getting up from the table. "I promise to stay safe." She helped one of the servants take the plates into the kitchen. Before she could help clean, they shooed her out.

"Thank ye for offerin', chile, but we got this," Kinera smiled sweetly. "Go study or draw one of yer masterpieces." She started to wash the dirty dishes in the lukewarm sudsy water.

"They aren't masterpieces," Nina blushed, embarrassed. "I know of people who can draw better. I'm just an amateur." She twirled her hair again.

"Nonesense, chile! I wish I had half yer talent," Kinera pressed. "Ye could go big with yer art." Nina winced, looking down. Kinera sighed. "But I know yer mother would never approve. She only wants what's best for ye, but soon, ye both need to learn to let you spread yer wings."

"Kinera!" Nina protested.

"All I'm sayin' is that you can't be stuck here forever. Adventure always comes," Kinera's eyes twinkled. "All ye have to do is embrace it." The servant shooed Nina away and went back to work.

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